「四月の風」(01) “The breeze in April(01)” |
「五月の空」(02) “The sky in May(02)” |
如月の 望月の宵 咲き盛る 淡紅の ― 櫻花 一叢風の 吹き行けは 淡雪野辺に ― 降る如く 花弁は散り 舞ひ遊ふ やかて日は過き ― 梢より 青葉若葉は 萌ゑ初めて 我馴れ通ふ ― 学舎の 庭に今年も 新しき 童等集ひ ― 語らひの 声騒かしき 窓辺にも 若葉を渡る ― 風は寄せ来る 反歌 童等の 声騒かしき 窓辺にも 若葉を渡る 風は寄せ来る |
The cherry blossoms,/ which are in full bloom tonight/ when the full moon shines,/ have already begun to/ ― fall in the hard winds,/ which all of a sudden blow,/ as if the snow were/ falling all over the field./ ― When the young green leaves/ come out from the top twigs of/ of many cherry trees/ after many days have passed,/ ― upon the ground of/ the school, to which I commute,/ all the new students/ get together chattering,/ ― while through the window,/ near which they also chatter,/ the gentle breeze, which/ comes over the young green leaves,/ ― blows into our room,/ near which the students chatter,/ the gentle breeze, which/ comes over the young green leaves,/ ― blows into our room as well. hanka Through the wide window,/ near which the students chatter,/ the gentle breeze, which / comes over the young green leaves,/ blows into our room as well. |
風戦く 習志野の野辺 晴れ渡り 甍を囲ふ ― 遠近の 籬の若葉 萌ゑ盛り 我馴れ通ふ ― 学舎の 五月の庭は 童等か 声交はしつゝ ― 相ひ集ひ 蹴鞠等しつゝ 舞ひ遊ふ 五月の風に ― 勇ましき 童等初め 馨しき ぬはたまの髪 ― 靡かせて 五月の朝 乙女等の 見上くる空に ― 雲雀鳴き交ふ 反歌 風戦く 五月の朝 乙女等の 見上くる空は 雲雀鳴き交ふ |
It is so clear up/ at the Narashino Field/ where the clean breezes/ are just fluttering away,/ ― while the young green leaves/ covering all the hedges from/ everywhere, here and there/ are at their best all day long./ ― Upon the ground of/ the school, to which I commute,/ all the boys and girls/ get together chattering/ ― upon the morning/ of a day in May and play/ various ball games./ Above in the sky, up which/ ― not only brave boys/ but also beautiful giros,/ whose fragrant black hair/ flutters in the breeze, gaze up,/ ― a lot of skylarks/ ask and answer each other/ upon the morning/ of a loving day in May/ ― of a loving day in May. hanka Above in the sky,/ towards which maidens gaze up,/ a lot of skylarks / ask and answer each other / on the morning of the day. |
「英文長歌集」第1集 ”The Choka collection by Mutsuo Shukuya”(1) 序 文 preface 本 文 CHAPTER 第 1編(Chapter 1) 001「四月の風」(The breeze in April) 002「五月の空」(The sky in May) 第 2編(Chapter 2) 003「薔薇の香」(The scent of roses!) 004「虫の鳴く声」(The voice of insects) 第3編(Chapter 3) 005「秋風」(The autum breeze) 006「秋櫻(コスモス)の花」(The cosmos flower) 第 4編(Chapter 4) 007「金木犀の花」(The fragrant olive!) 008「淡紅の薔薇」(The pink roses!) 第 5編(Chapter 5) 009「青柳の影」(The green willows!) 010「庭の梅」(The plum blossoms in my bachyard!) 第 6編(Chapter 6) 011「曙帰雁」(The wild geese which depart at dawn!) 012「鈴蘭の花」(The lily bell cups!) 第 7編(Chapter 7) 013「竹生島詣(一)(Visiting Chikubu-island!)@ 014「竹生島詣(二)」(Visiting Chikubu-island!)A 第 8編(Chapter 8) 015「曙落花」(The cherry blossoms which are to fall down!) 016「花月」(The cherry petals and the moon!) 第 9編(Chapter 9) 017「八代海」(Yatsushiro-bay!) 018「杜若」(The iris!) 第10編(Chapter10) 019「白金の月」(The silver moon!) 020「庭梅」(The plum blossoms in my garden!) 第11編(Chapter11) 021「清かなる月」(The clear moon!) 022「待花」(The cherry blossoms!) 第12編(Chapter12) 023「雲雀の初音」(The voices of the skylarks) 024「花水木薫る野辺」(The field where dogwoods are in bloom) 第13編(Chapter13) 025「『西行櫻』より」(The cherry blossoms in Monk Saigyo’s yard) 026「白百合薫る野辺」(The field where lilies are in bloom) |
第14編(Chapter14) 027「朝庭(一)」(The Pembroke Court in the morning) 028「川辺の月(二)」(The half moon Isee in Cambridge) 第15編(Chapter15) 029「ペンブルックの思い出(三)」(Memories of Pembroke) 030「小川の流れる杜(四)」(The grove a stream runs across) 第16編(Chapter16) 031「初春庭」(The garden on New Year’s Day) 032「白金の月」(The great clear white moon) 第17編(Chapter17) 033「早春」(Early spring) 034「木蓮の花」(The mognolia) 第18編(Chapter18) 035「学舎の櫻」(The cherry blossoms in my school yard) 036「風に散る花」(The cherry blossoms scattered in the wind) 第19編(Chapter19) 037「藤の花」(The wisterias) 038「睡蓮の花」(The water-lilies) 第20編(Chapter20) 039「夕顔(一)」(A moonflower@) 040「夕顔(二)」(A moonflowerA) 第21編(Chapter21) 041「露草」(The spiderwort) 042「朝顔」(The morning glory) 第22編(Chapter22) 043「蔓珠沙華」(The cluster-amaryllis) 044「金木犀」(The fragrant olive) 第23編(Chapter23) 045「山茶花(一)」(The flower, sasanqua@) 046「山茶花(二)」(The flower, sasanquaA) 第24編(Chapter24) 047「秋櫻(コスモス)(一)」(The flower, cosmos@) 048「秋櫻(コスモス)(二)」(The flower, cosmosA) 第25編(Chapter25) 049「フランク博士に捧ぐ(一)」(for Dr. Bernard Frank@) 050「フランク博士に捧ぐ(二)」(for Dr. Bernard FrankA) 宿谷睦夫プロフィール Profile of an author, Mutsuo Shukuya |
古典短歌講座(第1版) Classical Tanka composition in English (1) |
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