小倉百人一首 短歌解説(2) |
解説・翻訳:宿谷睦夫 英文添削:ブルース・ワイマン 監修:ボイエ・ラファイエット・デイ・メンテ |
Commentary by Mutsuo Shukuya Post No. 2 I noted it in the previous essay that there are several aspects of composition used in Fujiwara's collection. One of them is to praise the most prosperous period of the Imperial Family both in name and reality. And furthermore, I explained this by introducing the tanka which illustrate it. That is to say, the tanka in this Collection began with those of Emperors Tenchi and Jito. Both of these tanka were composed under the standard concept of composing aesthetic tanka, which I discussed above, and they express the pleasure and grave attitude towards the restoration of authority in the Imperial Palace. And I mentioned that these tanka remind me of the poem named "Pippa's song" by the English poet, Robert Browning (1812-89), who composed this poem in 1841. In those days, Great Britain, where he was born, was the Kingdom which dominated the whole European world. So, I noted that the tanka by Emperors Teichi and Jito seem to be similar to this poem by Robert Browning. This time I would like to introduce a poem by the Emperor which was composed at the most prosperous period of the Imperial Family both in name and reality. That is, it is a poem by Emperor Koko:the 58th 884-887 (830-887); 015 Emperor Koko Ki mi ga ta me ha ru no no ni i de te wa ka na tsu mu wa ga ko ro mo de ni yu ki wa fu ri tsu tsu When I go into the meadows to gather fresh vegetables for you the snow has begun falling and I notice flakes on my sleeves. In this poem, the author seems to have tried to express how he himself makes an effort for his friend or lover to gather fresh vegetables for him/her, even though his sleeves are covered with snow. When some ceremonies are opened, in most cases, they hand a bunch of flowers to others who they want to celebrate or cheer up. Flowers, which are in full bloom, are said to be the best gift; they give the best sprit to inspire a human's heart. In this poem, the pleasure and grave attitude towards the restoration of authority in the Imperial Palace of the author are expressed. Next, I would like to discuss other poems by famous poets. Teika Fujiwara (1162-1241 A.D.) compiled this collection in the year 1235 during the Kamakura period when the Emperor himself had lost actual political power, because the Kamakura Shogunate held it in place of each Emperor. Teika Fujiwara had already established the standard concepts for composing aesthetic tanka, which I discussed in my lecture, "Classical Tanka Composition." But even before then, there were many tanka poems which were composed under the standard concepts for composing aesthetic tanka. So, I would like to introduce such poets as Akahito Yamabe (?-736?), Yakamochi Otomo (718-785), each of whom are very famous poets in the anthology, Manyoshu (759) and Nakamaro Abe (701-770), whose tanka is printed poets in the anthology, Kokinshu(905). 004 Akahito Yamabe Ta go no u ra ni u chi i de te mi re ba shi ro ta he no Fu ji no ta ka ne ni yu ki wa fu ri tsu tsu When I look upward standing beside Tago Bay, the snow is falling on the peak of Mt. Fuji, which is all dyed perfect white. Reference: (12) Tanka in December(2004) In this poem the author seems to have tried to express the view of Mt. Fuji, which is seen by everybody to be beautiful and solemn. In fact, Japanese people have been awed by the magnificence of Mt. Fuji covered with snow. This tanka is also composed on the theme, “The snow which falls on the mountain”. 006 Yakamochi Otomo Ka sa sa gi no wa ta se ru ha shi ni o ku shi mo no shi ro ki wo mi re ba yo zo fu ke ni ke ru Frosts on the bridge built to the palace which faces the bright Milky Way where magpies stretch their wing tips let me know it's getting late. In this poem, the author seems to have tried to express his awareness of its getting so late that frosts have covered the bridge to the palace, referring to the legend that Vega walked across the Milky Way where magpies stretch their wing tips. 007 Nakamaro Abe A ma no ha ra fu ri sa ke mi re ba Ka su ga na ru Mi ka sa no ya ma ni i de shi tsu ki ka mo Whenever I watch the full moon here in China, it reminds me of the moon which I used to see high above Mt. Mikasa. In this poem, the author seems to have tried to express his longing for his home country, Nara, in Japan whenever he watches the full moon in China. The moon which he watched must have been so beautiful. This author composed the above when he was in China and furthermore was not able to return to his native country, Japan. These tanka above were composed in the former era, during which the Imperial Family was the most prosperous both in name and reality. At last in this commentary I would like to introduce the tanka poem by Tadahira Fujiwara (880-949), who had the highest position in the bureaucracy. He showed strong alliance to the Emperor even though he held such a high place in the bureaucracy. He was called Teishiko and made an effort to initiate political reform called "Engi-no-Ji" and got the highest positions, called "Sessho" and "Kanpaku" during the term of Emperor Shuzaku (the 61th , term 930-946). Actually his high position in the bureaucracy continued into the former term of Emperor Murakami (the 62th , term 946-967). He was the 9th descendant of Kamatari Fujiwara (614-669). By the way, Teika Fujiwara (1162-1241 A.D.) was the 18th descendant and the author of this commentary, Mutsuo Shukuya(1943- ) is his 50th descendant. Kamatari -Fuhito--…..Tadahirra--Morosuke-- 1st 2nd 9th 10th Kaneie--Michitaka--…………………..Mutsuo 11th 12th 50th 弄ichinaga--……..Teika 12th 18th 026 Tadahira Fujiwara Wo gu ra ya ma mi ne no mo mi ji ba ko ko ro a ra ba i ma hi to ta bi no mi yu ki ma ta na mu Loving crimson leaves, which cover the whole peak of grand Mt. Ogura! I'd like to ask you to leave yourselves as you are until I come here again along with the Emperor. The author, Tadahira Fujiwara seems to have composed: this when he followed Emperor Uda(the 59th, term 887-897)sightseeing to the Oi river, the Emperor told him that he would like to let his son, Emperor Daigo(the 60th, term 897?930) see this splendid scenery. So, in this tanka poem he asked the crimson leaves, which cover the whole peak of grand Mt. Ogura to stay as they are until he came there again along with Emperor Daigo in order to keep his promise to Emperor Uda. In this poem the author, Tadahira Fujiwara speaks to the crimson leaves as if he talked with human beings and asked them to leave themselves as they were then. This technique of tanka composition is called "Gijin-ho" or 'personification'. And he tries to express how faithful to the Emperor he himself is. In those days when he was alive, less than 300 years had passed since the Emperor Tenchi(the 38th, term 661-671) but the authority of the Emperor in the Imperial place seems to have never been lost because such an individual as Tadahira Fujiwara was alive. The Fujiwara family itself had been a typical clan, which was faithful to the Emperor. This poem was the best way to prove how faithful to the Emperor members of his family were. But an individual who lost this faithful spirit was to rise in the Imperial Place. This was Michinaga Fujiwara (966-1028). The following tanka by him shows his ambition to rule everything beyond the Emperor. The full moon seems to leave itself just as it is in the sky I watch, as if I will never lose this position forever. On the other hand, the tanka by Tadahira Fujiwara shows the best faithful spirit, like Komei Shokatsu who was the most faithful individual in China about 1800 years ago. But in Japan, the period in which the inferiors supersede their superiors had arrived in those days. That is to say, Michinaga Fujiwara had the power to rule instead of the Emperor and others such as the bureaucracy, who should be faithful the Emperor and soldiers, who should be faithful to the bureaucracy, tried to follow the system expressed above. But Michinaga and his descendants were to pay a high price instead of retaining the actual political power in the Imperial Palace. They lost their mission to keep in the Imperial Palace. This succeeded to the descendants of Emperor Kazan, who was compelled to yield his throne to another, who was under the influence of Michinaga. That is the Shirakawa King family, which died out after the Meiji Period. |
小倉百人一首 短歌解説(2) 序文で、私は「小倉百人一首」の編纂には様々な側面があるが、その一つに皇室が名実共に最も繁栄していた時代が背景にあるということを述べました。前回はこの側面を具体的な歌を解説しながら検証していきました。それは、「小倉百人一首」が、まず、天智天皇や持統天皇の歌から始まっていることを述べました。 この二首は伝統的作歌法「古今伝授」に基づいた秀歌の概念とぴったりと一致したものでもあり、天下の実権を掌握した明るく、堂々たる心の姿が伺うことが出来ると述べました。そして、外国でも、英国が大英帝国として世界に君臨していた時、十九世紀のイギリスの詩人・ロバート・ブラウニングという詩人が「春の朝(あした)」という詩を書いておりますが、これはそれと似た心境が、上の二つの歌の中からも読み取ることが出来ると述べました。 今回もまた、皇室が名実共に実権を掌握していた時代の天皇の歌を紹介したいと思います。それは、次の光孝天皇の歌です。 015光孝天皇(830-887) (第58代天皇)
この歌は「君の為に早春の野に出て、若菜を摘んでいる私の袖には雪が降り続いている」という意味の歌で、若菜を篭に入れて、親しい人に送った時に添えた歌と言われています。現在でもお祝いの席で、花束贈呈が行われるが、草が萌え始める時、花が咲き始める時に持っている気が人に元気を与える最高の贈り物という考えが背後に伺える歌です。実権を掌握していた王者の風格が歌に滲み出ております。 一方、当時の有名な歌人達の歌を見ていきましょう。この歌集が編纂されたのは、天皇の権威が没落してしまった鎌倉時代のことであり、定家が伝統的和歌の基準を作ったわけですが、それ以前の初期の時代に既に、伝統的作歌法「古今伝授」に基づいた秀歌の概念とぴったりと一致した歌が多数創作されていました。ここでは、山部赤人、大伴家持、安部仲麿の歌を紹介したいと思います。山部赤人と大伴家持の歌は万葉集(759)に掲載されている歌であり、安部仲麿の歌は古今集(905).に掲載されている歌であります。 004 山部赤人(?-736?)
下記参照 第七章第12節 十二月「山雪」(やまのゆき) この歌は「田子の浦に出て眺めると、真っ白な富士の高い嶺に雪が降り積もっているのが見えた」という意味の富士山の景観を詠んだ歌であります。巨峰富士に対する聖なるものへの畏怖と荘厳なる者への感動を一体化した歌です。「山雪」(やまのゆき)という題詠の例歌として相応しい歌でもあります。 006大伴家持(718-785)
この歌は、七夕の夜に鵲の群れが翼を並べて、天の川に橋を作り、織姫を渡すという伝説を踏まえて、「宮中の御殿に渡した階段に降りた霜を見て、夜がすっかり更けてしまったのだなあ」という意味の歌です。 007安部仲麿(701-770)
この歌は「大空を見上げると美しい月が出ていた。これは昔、故郷の春日にある三笠の山で見たあの月と同じ月なのだなあ」と中国の唐の時代、帰国することが出来ずに望郷の思いを篭めて詠んだ歌です。 これまでには、この歌集に収録されている天皇の権威があった初期の時代の歌人の歌を取り上げましたが、最後に、平安時代の初期に官僚の最高実力者までもが、如何に天皇への忠誠を誓って仕えていたかを表した歌を紹介しましょう。それは、貞信公と呼ばれ、延喜の治と呼ばれる政治改革を行い、朱雀天皇(61代・在位930-946)の時に摂政、次いで関白に任じられた歌人です。以後、村上天皇(62代・在位946-967)の初期まで長く政権の座にありました。藤原鎌足から9代目の御代のことです。ちなみに、藤原定家は18代目で、筆者はその50代目にあたります。 鎌足−不比等−…………忠平−師輔− 1代 2代 9代 10代 兼家−道隆−………………………睦夫 11代 12代 50代 道長−………定家 12代 18代 026藤原忠平(880-949) 藤原基経の四男(貞信公)
この歌は、宇多天皇(59代在位887-897)が大井川に行幸して紅葉に感動し、子の醍醐天皇(60代在位897-930)も行幸すべきだと言ったので詠まれた歌で、「小倉山峰の紅葉が余にも綺麗なので、お仕えしている陛下にも見せたいと思い、紅葉に「小倉山峰の紅葉よ!お前に心があるならば、もう一度陛下と一緒にここへやって来るのでそれまで散らないで待っていて欲しい」と問い掛けた歌です。 この歌は、小倉山の峰の紅葉の美しさを称えつつ、天皇に対する忠誠心を示し、自然に呼びかけた形の歌です。藤原氏は神代から天子様に仕える氏族でありました。その氏の使命を最も端的に表現している最高の歌ではないかと思います。 しかし、同族の中にはその忠誠心を忘れた人が登場して来るのです。その一人・藤原道長(966-1028)は次のような歌を詠んでいます。天皇をも凌いでこの世を支配しようという野心を覗かせている歌です。
それに引き換え、忠平の歌は、中国であれば、諸葛孔明にも匹敵する忠誠ぶりを示した歌です。諸葛孔明は主君の劉備玄徳に、「自分の息子が主君としての器ではないと思う時には、あなたが私の亡き後、この国の王として政治を行って下さい」と言われた時、臣下は臣下の任務を果たすのが人の道であると言って、主君にとって代わるようなことをしなかったことは誉高いものとして今でも言い伝えられています。 しかし、日本においては、道長を境に、臣下が主君である天皇にとって代わって実権を握ってしまう事態が発生してしまったのでした。そして、誰でもその政治的実権を取って換わることが出来るという下克上の時代へと誘われていったのです。貴族に仕えているべきはずの武士が、貴族にとって代わられようになり、平安時代にも、平家が実権を掌握したばかりでなく、貴族社会を名目上のものにさせて、武士が直接政治的実権を行使する鎌倉、室町、江戸時代と流れていったのでした。 しかし、道長とその子孫は天皇から政治的実権を取って換わった代償として、藤原鎌足が「大化の改新」で復権させた、藤原氏本来の役割を喪失して行くのでした。そして、その使命は、藤原氏が騙して天皇の位を退位させた花山天皇の子孫へと継承されていくのです。それは、明治時代になって滅んではしまいましたが、白川伯王家なのです。 |
「小倉百人一首入門」(目次) 100 Tanka Poems by 100 Poets Contents |
古典短歌講座(第1版) Classical Tanka composition in English (1) |
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