以上の作品には、大河の575の後に、睦夫の77が来る作品ばかりではなく、大河の独吟短連歌のものや 陸人の挙句77になった作品も含まれています。 |
「習志野三吟百韻連歌集(2)」陸人版 陸人・宿谷睦夫共作 @2011.12.28 青空を 見上げてみれば 綺麗だな(陸人) 本当だ雲 一つだにない(睦夫) How fascinating the blue sky is when I look upward this evening!(by Rikuto) Yes, it is!: I cannot find even a fragment of cloud.(by Mutsuo) A平成24年1月9日(月) 果物は 美味しく爽やか 食べられる(陸人) 今夜のような ご飯の後は(睦夫) You can also eat fruits, such as oranges, which taste so good, don't they? (by Rikuto) So I do, after dinner, which I enjoyed this evening. (by Mutsuo) B平成24年1月6日(金) 桜の木 ぱらぱら散るよ 花弁が(陸人) 春風戦く 月出る宵(睦夫) While I stand, watching the cherry trees, I see that petals are falling.(Rikuto) in the evening, when the moon rises in the gentle breeze.(Mutsuo) C平成24年1月6日(金) 遊具はね 皆が楽しく 遊べるね(陸人) ブランコ・縄跳び なんかをしてね(睦夫) Everyone enjoys playing many games with friends using equipment (by Rikuto) such as getting on a swing, jumping rope, et cetera.(by Mutsuo) D2012.01.19(金) 悪党は 世界を変える 最悪だ!(陸人) それを滅ぼす 人や現る!(睦夫) How disappointing it is for some villains to destroy our own world!(by Rikuto) Reformers will rebuild it Without fail in the future.(by Mutsuo) E2012.02.05(日) 歳の数 豆を食べれば 健康だ(陸人) 「福は内!」とぞ 撒いた後のね(睦夫) としのかず まめをたべれば けんこうだ 「ふくはうち!」とぞ まいたあとのね It would be healthy to eat as many soybeans as one's age tonight, (by Rikuto) mamemaki feast, and then you should scatter them about.(by Mutsuo) F2012..4.5(木)旧暦3月14日 円かなる 今宵の月は 綺麗だな(陸人) 流れる雲の まにまに出てて(睦夫) It's so beautiful when I see the full moon shine above in the sky.(by Rikuto) That light filters through the clouds sailing out in the strong wind.(by Mutsuo) G2012.05.14(月) 宝くじ 海賊の剣 当ったよ(陸人) 似合うよ眼鏡 手に剣持てば(睦夫) 「焼肉屋のフロントにあったくじを引いたら、最高景品の海賊ジャックの剣と紅いハンカチ、金のネックレスセットが当った」 I got the great sword, the same as a pirate had in the lottery (by Rikuto) You'll look just like famous Jack when you wear an eyepatch too. (by Mutsuo) H2012.06.02(土) 大会で 踊り成功 嬉しいな(陸人) いつもの練習 役に立ったね!(睦夫) It's my pleasure to join the dance performance at the athletic meet (by Rikuto) Every day training helps you to dance so well, it seems (by Mutsuo) I2012.07.05(日) 沖縄にて 沖縄は 海が青くて 綺麗だよ!(陸人) 晴れたお陰で 顔も真っ黒(睦夫) How pretty the blue Ocean is to swim in with my family here! (by Rikuto) <Rikuto is "here"> You must be there in the sun, as you seem to be well tanned.(by Mutsuo ) J陸人の俳句(8月2日) カレンダー 休みの日とか 楽しいな(陸人) 海水浴や 山登りかな(睦夫) Whenever I see the calendar on the wall, it inspires me so. (by Rikuto) You must mark your plans, such as swimming or mountain climbing. (by Mutsuo) K陸人の俳句(8月7日) 木の上に 皆な一緒に 登ったよ!(陸人) 抜け道も又 くりぬいたよね!(睦夫) I climbed up a tree, which stands in my grandpa's yard with my own cousins.(by Rikuto) You could find another route by which you could follow them. (Mutsuo) |
L陸人の独吟単連歌(8月9日) これがタイトルになった作品です。 大人だと やり放題で たまらない タバコも吸えて お酒も飲める(陸人) How pleasant it is to be an adult because I can do all things, for example, to smoke or to drink anything I want! (by Rikuto) M陸人の独吟単連歌(8月13日) テレビでは アニメもあるし 面白い!(陸人) シイエムもあり ニュースもあるし(陸人) How interesting to watch TV every day!: there are not only (by Rikuto) animated programs but news and adverts and so on. (by Rikuto) N2013.03.29 戦国は 昔ながらの 戦いだ!(陸人) アニメで見たの それともゲーム(睦夫) Compared to today the warring states period was full of battles. (by Rikuto) Did you come to know this through Anime stories or games? (by Mutsuo) O2013.03.29 満開の 桜が一杯 綺麗だね!(陸人) 今年は早く 咲き始めたね!(睦夫) When I see today cherry blossoms in full bloom, they entertain me.(by Rikuto) They do so for me, too, and bloom earlier this year than last.(by Mutsuo) P2013.06.011 黒と白 正義と悪の 心あり(陸人) 色にはあるね そんなイメージ(睦夫) I feel mentally both good and bad when I see colors white and black. (by Rikuto) Colors between white and black remind me of this image. (by Mutsuo) Q2013.06.01 波の音 ザァザァ聞こえ 皆遊ぶ(陸人) 遊んだ後は 蟹の楽園(睦夫) We used to play with our friends or our family to the sounds of the waves. (by Rikuto) After we leave the seashore crabs will enjoy eating here. (by Mutsuo) R陸人の俳句 8・7 プラチナは 金より輝く 宝石だ!(陸人) じじも一度は 手にしてみたい(睦夫) "Platinum" is a jewel which shines much brighter than a stone of gold. (Rikuto) I would also like to hold it in my hand just one time. (Mutsuo) S家の中 涼しくゲーム 楽しめる(陸人) 暑さ厳しき 夏の最中に(睦夫) I really enjoy playing my favorite games in my home today.(Rikuto) Even in the hottest day Of summer with your brother.(Mutsuo) (21)2014.01.13 お餅つき きな粉と醤油 どっちがいい(陸人) どっちもいいけど しるこも美味い(睦夫) What do you like to have on the mochi we have every New Year's Day? ( by Rikuto) Both kinako and soy sauce are fine, as is shiruko. (by Mitsuo) (22)2014.01.13 遊んでる 皆の姿 元気だな!(陸人) 正月休み 力付けたね!(睦夫) As I watch my friends playing in the field, I note how active they are. (Rikuto) These New Year's holidays seem to have helped them be refreshed. (Mitsuo) (23)2014.01.14 誕生日 年の一度の パーティだ!(陸人) 好みのネタが 食べられたかな?(睦夫) I’m so glad to have my birthday party today with my grandfather.(Rikuto) But I doubt you ate your fill of your favorite sushi. ( Mitsuo) (24)2014.03.21 吹奏楽 皆なで楽しく 演奏会(陸人) 終わった後は 感動するね(睦夫) I play on woodwinds with my friends at a concert and enjoy music. (Rikuto) I' m sure you'll be greatly moved after you have reached your goal. (Mutsuo) (25)2014.03.21 小学校 全てまとめる 6年生(陸人) もうすぐだよね 4月になれば(睦夫) Sixth grade is the top of our elementary school and they protect us. (Rikuto) Your turn will come in April when you enter the sixth grade. (Mutsuo) |
「習志野三吟百韻連歌集」 "Hundred renga by three authors in Narashino"(1-1) 「習志野三吟百韻連歌集」 "Hundred renga by three authors in Narashino"(1-2) 著者・宿谷睦夫のプロフィール profile of author, Mutsuo Shukuya |
プラボットの異端児(短歌入門部屋)に戻る 当サイトはリンクフリーです、どうぞご自由に。 Copyright(c) 2013-2014 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp) |