Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

Recommendation to compose haiku & tanka
古典短歌講座 序文

Recommendation to compose haiku & tanka
by Mutsuo Shukuya

SINCE the mist of the times, most Japanese, not only the upper class, such as Emperors, but also lower class common folk, have loved to compose haiku or tanka constructed with the combination of five and seven syllabic lines, which we are apt to regard as a typical Japanese form although it is not.
Most Japanese also take it for granted that Europeans compose poetry using alliteration or rhyme without fail. But this is not always true. They also compose syllabic verse which is common to Western poetry, as well as Japanese and Chinese.
For example, each line of a sonnet, which has fourteen lines, is constructed of ten-syllabic lines in English and twelve-syllabic lines in French.
European aesthetic sense prefers symmetry, as we can confirm when we admire buildings like Chateau de Versailles. But since the French chemist, Louis Pasteur (1822-95), declared that beauty exists not only in symmetrical forms but asymmetrical ones as well, they have also recognized this. So, Westerners sometimes divide lines into 5 & 7 syllables like tanka, as well as 6 & 6.
This form is called the French Alexandrine, which James Kirkup first introduced to me. Incidentally he showed me the following example which the English poet, Ernest Dowson (1867-1900), who was much influenced by French symbolist poetry, composed:

I have forgot much,/ Cynara! gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses/ riotously with the throng..!

Undoubtedly, there are some differences compared to the Japanese on the point that they have recognized and loved to compose these syllabic verse with asymmetrical combinations with 5 and 7 syllables. But this last century there has been an increase in the number of international exchanges and not a few poets in the world have been fascinated by and tried to compose syllabic verse like haiku and tanka which is divided into 5 and 7 syllable lines.
Incidentally, the Indian poet, Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941), loved to compose haiku and became the first president of the India Haiku Society. When a few Japanese with John Manjiro (1827-98) happened to visit New York, the American poet, Walt Whitman (1819-92), wrote this prophetic article in The New York Times: in the near future, some Americans would learn syllabic verse, such as haiku and tanka, from Japan and compose it.
My friend Kristen Deming told me that as soon as she read this when she was a senior high school student, she began to long for Japan and Japanese culture, especially haiku poetry.
When her husband arrived in his new post as American Ambassador to Japan, she also came to Japan and stayed Tokyo for four years. While here, she won the first prize in a Haiku Contest in Japan and did her best to promote cultural interchange on a personal, as well as political and economic, level between Japan and the USA. After she went back to America she accepted the post of president of The Haiku Society of America.
So it has become necessary, I think, to let people around the world know how we enjoy composing haiku and tanka more and more. And we Japanese have a mission to do so because we learned first the legacy of poetry left by those predecessors who mastered the method of composition of haiku and tanka.
I have studied how to compose tanka for twenty years under my mentor, Fumiko Reizei, former head of the Reizei Family who have maintained through succession the traditional theory of tanka composition.
I have composed more than three thousand tanka and more than five hundred choka(long poems). And I have been writing poetry in English also more than twenty years, more than one thousand tanka and a hundred choka.
Based on this experience, I am going to explain what tanka is and how to compose it referring to its history with examples and anecdotes.
Kino Tsurayuki was the first poet who showed how to compose tanka. In the preface to the tanka collection Kokinwakashu which he compiled in obedience to an Imperial command, he says, "Who doesn't compose poems when he hears the warbler sing among the blossoms and frog in the fresh waters?"
Furthermore, he says, "It is tanka that moves gods of heaven and earth without putting forth strength." as an appreciation of its effect. It is said that a famous poet, monk Saigyo (1118-1190), composed and recited tanka to Heaven in an attempt to stop the rain after it had continued to rain heavily while he was traveling around the Tohoku area. After several minutes had passed, it stopped raining.
Some people think that everything evolves without fail, but this is not always true. In the field of Japanese poetry, poets from the olden times, called the age of the gods, seem to be superior to modern ones.
I can compose acrostic tanka easily. An acrostic is a poem or series of lines in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a name, motto or message when read in sequence. But I have never tried to compose tanka called "Mawariuta" or 'circling song', which is a poem that reads the same even if you read it in reverse.
Returning to what I mentioned before, poet Kino Tsurayuki says, "It is tanka that softens the relations between men an women without putting forth strength" as another effect of tanka. So the poetess, Wakahime composed the following extremely skillful and excellent tanka in order to propose to her sweetheart, Omoikane no Mikoto.
I wonder if you can recognize the arrangement of the letters which are completely symmetrical around the center of the letter, "(ne)":

Ki shi i ko so/ tsu ma wo mi ki wa ni
ko to no (ne) no/ to ko ni wa ki mi wo
ma tsu so ko i shi ki

(As your lifelong wife/ I would like to be with you
if possible, so/ I will wait playing Koto
until you come to my room.)

Her sweetheart, Omoikane no Mikoto accepted her proposal and married her. Tajikarao no Mikoto, who opened the door of the cave from which Amateru-kami is said to have escaped according to the old legend, was born as their son.
As poetry like haiku or tanka has such miraculous powers as I mentioned above, it is quite good and suitable to compose in order to delight, celebrate, comfort, encourage, or praise others but it is neither suitable nor ever permitted to curse others, envy others' success or hurt others feelings.
That is to say, it is permitted only to those who are right-minded to compose such poetry as haiku or tanka. So, it is not always permitted for us to compose tanka about anything and we must learn how to compose verse before we compose such poetry as haiku or tanka, at least in Japanese.
The theory of how to compose tanka poetry called "Kokin-denjyu", has come down from the mist of the times in Japan. But it was permitted only to Emperors to learn it in certain olden times.
Here is one famous curious anecdote. When Hosokawa Yusai (1534-1610), who was one of the samurai warriors in the Age of Civil War, was dying due to the fall of his castle to Tokugawa Ieyasu (1542-1616), who was destined to conquer all Japan, the Emperor ordered Ieyasu not take the castle in which Yusai was held because he had received instruction in tanka called "Kokin-denjyu".
That is a representative anecdote of how Emperors in certain olden times made a great deal of the theory on the composition of tanka.
Now, let me explain the theory on the composition of tanka, called "Kokin-denjyu". First of all, I will refer to why haiku or tanka should be composed with the combination of five- and seven-syllabic lines. Of course, I will discuss it in this lecture.
Some poets insist that it is proper to compose haiku with three lines and tanka with five lines only regardless of the syllable count, especially in English or other languages. Perhaps they take it for granted that syllabic verse such as haiku and tanka is a typical form in Japan. So, they assume that it is not necessary to observe the regulations when tanka is transplanted into English or other languages.
They may not know that syllabic verse is common in Europe as, for example, the French Alexandrine. It is not a coincidence that this has the same form, composed with 5 and 7 syllabic combinations.
In the ancient legends of Japan there is an explanation why haiku or tanka should be composed with 5 and 7 syllabic combinations. We must go back to the past when Izanagi (male) and Izanami (female) lived. When they were going to be married, they exchanged the following verses in order to confess their love to each other.

Female: "What a handsome man/ you are indeed!"
Male: "How happy I am,/ to hear your words! "

The baby, which the female conceived after their first dialog, could not be born healthy and normal. Their grandfather, Toyoke-gami said to them, "The combination of the number i-yo (5/4) is not a suitable verse form as a proposal of marriage, because of this, you cannot achieve your purpose. Moreover, the female should follow after the male."
So, they tried again, with the following verses. After that, they were able to have healthy and normal babies.

Male: “How happy I am,/ to happen to meet you, who
are pretty!”
Female: “Happy am I too,/ to happen to meet you, who
are handsome!”

This episode shows us the importance of the strict tanka form. The strict tanka and haiku forms have miraculous powers to accomplish those matters which we want to do in addition to being the verse as music which we sing to ourselves or recite to some melody.
While some insist that it is not necessary to keep the strict syllabic form when we compose haiku or tanka in order to compose verse in which we express our whole motif as it impressed itself on our mind or heart, skilled poets are able to compose such verse in which they are able to express their whole motif as it impressed itself on their minds or hearts as if the form were no limitation.
Anyway, you can understand why we should compose verses under the theory of composition called "Kokin-denjyu" in Japan, because such syllabic verse as haiku or tanka with 5 and 7 syllables have certain miraculous powers.
Modern haiku is composed with 5/7/5 syllables because this follows from hokku of renga. So, haiku was called hokku at first. But an original form is composed with 5/7/7 syllables and this is called katauta.
That is, this form is constructed with 5 and 7 syllabic combination plus 7 syllables. Incidentally, tanka is constructed with 5 & 7 syllabic combination repeated two times plus 7 syllables and furthermore, choka is constructed with 5 & 7 syllabic combination repeated more than three times plus 7 syllables.
So I would like to introduce the following original example of haiku or hokku called katauta to you. These poems become one dialogue between Yamatotake no Mikoto and Hitaki no Okina that they composed at Sakaori no Miya (northern area in Japan):

How many days and/ nights have you spent since you left
the new palace, Tsukuba?  by Yamatotake no Mikoto

I have spent nine nights/ and also ten days in all
before we got here today. by Hitaki no Okina

To compose tanka is called "Shikishima no Michi" or 'Way of life' in Japan, while to compose haiku is called "Tsukuba no Michi": haiku dates from this dialog, which the authors composed about Tsukuba.
I would like readers to pay attention to how Hitaki no Okina replies not only promptly but also includes the total number (19) of syllables (5/7/7) which are used in this haiku (katauta). This gives us good evidence of how excellent skills olden poets had, I think.
Some treat this only as word-games but from the spirit of words view, these kinds of skills give verses their miraculous power.
Each verse is often shown or performed not only as "Letters" written on paper but also as "Sounds" recited to some tune. So, what requires us as poets is not only to write down our verse on paper but also to recite it to some tune.
Good poets can compose verse which looks and sounds pretty, as well as moving others' hearts. So, fundamentally, in the case of Japanese, we replace thick voiced consonants (ji) with clear voiced ones (shi) when we write down our verses. Furthermore, poets are required to compose verse without faltering.
Recently I read that The Poetry Archive was established in November, 2005 by many poets such as British poet, Andrew Motion and British writer Harold Pinter, awarded the 2005 Nobel Prize for Literature for whom I composed tankacrostic.
In this society they have their many poetry collections recited by poets themselves. These activities would be welcomed by people who want to appreciate poetry.
Up to now I have discussed the rightful point of view about composing haiku or tanka, but for beginners these are almost unnecessary. No one can step immediately into this world and compose.
Beginners are better off not knowing the theories or strict regulations. I hope everybody, however, keeps it in mind that there are deep domains which nobody can reach. Everybody must be content to remain at an early stage if he or she ignores the theories or strict regulations of haiku or tanka composition.
Recently my friend, Boye Lafayette De Mente, who has published more than fifty books, including thirty books about Japan and Japanese culture, published a book, THE JAPANESE SAMURAI CODE (Dec. 2004) in compliance with the wishes of his publisher― since the film, "Last Samurai" was put on the screen, many Americans have wanted to know more about Japanese samurai warriors.
When De Mente was writing his book, he asked me my comments about Japanese samurai warriors. So, I told him that they had often practiced composing tanka, especially renga, in which authors are required to compose spontaneously, together with other members, in order to compose their mind or heart or spirit. Samurai warriors, especially generals, are required to make decisions quickly on the battlefield.
In the kabuki-story of Japan’s famous 47 ronin (masterless samurai) who took revenge against the haughty court official who caused the death of their lord, there is a scene which shows how the ability to compose tanka (haiku) is useful.
In this scene, a famous poet, Takarai-kikaku (1661-1707), who was going to attend a kukai (haiku-composing gathering) at his lord's residence, Matsuura, which was near the residence of Kira- Kozukenosuke(1641-1702), meets a righteous person, Otakagengo (1672-1703) of Chushin-gura, to whom he had sent a hokku (haiku) to Otakagengo in order to set the time for the 47 samurai to attack the Kira-residence.
Otakagengo replied promptly with the verse below. When Takarai-kikaku reported this dialog to his feudal load, Matsuura, Matsuura was able to make out that the time for the 47 samurai to attack the Kira residence would be the following morning. As soon as he saw it, the sounds of the soldiers beating the drums in order to signal the start of attack could be heard:

How about your fate/ like the flow of a river
reaching these last days? by Takarai-kikaku

If treasure ships should arrive,/
wait for them just tomorrow. by Otakagengo

The more the number of international exchanges increase, the more Japanese also should learn about themselves in order to associate with foreigners on equal terms. We must learn the background under which we have lived and practice the skills themselves, not learn them as book knowledge.
The Japanese used to compose tanka as “Jisei no ku” or ‘a farewell poem composed on the eve of their death’.
We had been brought up to be able to compose tanka promptly before World War II. In the present day when there has been an increase in the number of international exchanges, so composing tanka seems to be one of the things we Japanese are required to do for people in the world who want to compose Japanese poems strictly formed with 5/7/5/7/7 syllables. I hope the readers will step into this world and compose haiku or tanka.
                22nd February 2010
古典短歌講座 序文

宿 谷 睦 夫


吹く風に/去りしシナラよ!/ 思ひ出も/はや薄らきぬ
人群れに/投けられしバラ/ 騒かしく/投けられしバラ・・


「きしいこそつまをみきはにことの ね のとこにはきみをまつそこいしき」










Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)