Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第 4節 歌の師範
[U]How to compose tanka (Primer course U)
(4) To choose an adequate mentor

[U]How to compose tanka (Primer course U)
(4) To choose an adequate mentor

 The fourth principle of composing tanka is to choose an adequate mentor who shows you good manners to do so.
 Even people, who have a deep affection, or feel strong attachment and great interest in the subjects about which they try to compose tanka, must practice constantly in order to arrange in strict 31 syllable tanka form that which their hearts want to express, as I mentioned before.
 But without the adequate mentor, probably you cannot practice easily in order to master good manners to compose tanka: When you begin composing tanka, you should listen to good advice or suitable suggestions to your tanka, which the adequate mentor may give you. Of course, you must try to compose at least one tanka about each theme, which the mentor shows you, after her/his brielf explanations before you listen to her/his advice or suitable suggestions. Every time she/he gives you proper advice or shows you appropriate suggestions to your tanka, you can find your ability improved: you will be able to use better poetic expressions in your next tanka.
 In my case, I introduce my tanka mentor, Fumiko Reizei, who is the twenty sixth descendant of Teika Fujiwara (1162-1241) who accomplished the method of composition of aesthetic tanka, to you. I have learned to compose tanka under her proper advice she gives me or appropriate suggestions to show me to my each tanka since 1985.
 After ten times her proper advice she gave me or appropriate suggestions she showed me to my each tanka, she gave me unforgettable messages to me; “You became one of the pupils to be able to compose adequate tanka as poets comose under the Reizei theory everytime, didn’t you?”
 When I listend to her words, I felt that I was able to grasp the deep tanka essence, which she heartly want to hand down to her pupils who want to compose tanka under her theory.
 She told me it heart to heart, I think. So, she praised each my tanka whenever I showed it.
 Thus, the traditional good manners, that is to say, the method of composition of aesthetic tanka, which is accomplished by Teika Fujiwara (1162-1241) who is one of the grestest tanka poets and one of the best tanka scholars such as his father, Shunzei Fujiwara and Kino Tsurayuki in Japan, has remained until now as well as the residence of the Reizei Family in Kyoto as only one national treasure.
 Here, I’d like to show you 4 tanka which I composed under this Reizei theory, as I mentioned before. I hope these tanka can also encourage beginners who try to express their hearts in strict 31 syllable tanka form.

The green leaves of trees/ covering the whole mountains
in my home village/ deepen little by little
after rain by rain, I feel.  by Mutsuo Shukuya

The cheysanthemum,/ which reminds me of my dreams
I had in my youth/ whenever I look at it,
is abloom in my home fields.  by Mutsuo Shukuya

Many birds, which sing/ pleasant sings so merrily,
have just arrived here/ on the meadows and mountains
near my own native village.  by Mutsuo Shukuya

When I look upward/ the moon has risen brightly
high in the blue sky,/ though clouds are floating across
it here and there like sashes.  by Mutsuo Shukuya

第 4節 歌の師範

 短歌を詠む為の第四の原則は、相応しい歌の作法を示してくれる「歌の師範」に巡り会うことである。第 2節で、藤原定家の歌論「詠歌大概」を引用して、「和歌は師なし。ただ古歌をもて師とす」とは述べたが、秀歌を詠むようになるためには、実際に自分が詠んだ短歌を伝統的な作歌法に則して、どのように詠むべきかを具体的な手解きをして下さる「歌の師範」に巡り会うことである。 

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)