Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第 2節 敷島の道
[U]How to compose tanka (Primer course U)
(2) To love everything that looks beautiful

[U]How to compose tanka (Primer course U)
(2) To love everything that looks beautiful

 The second principal of composing tanka is to love everything that tastes good, pretty and beautiful. If what you see looks ugly, you should try to find beauty in it. Unless a passionate love of the subjects on which you try to compose tanka comes out in our hearts, you can not hope to write tanka.
 Once you can love everything and find beauty in that which looks ugly, it becomes very easy for you to describe everything as it is. You can also describe it easily in other styles such as essay, novel, music, photo and other arts as well as poetry, as most artists have done.
 “To love everything” sounds like some preaching by monks or priests who speak to people at the temple or church. But actually, as we go on writing tanka about things such as flowers, birds and the moon, a great fire of love for them breaks out step by step in our heart unconsciously. So, since the mists of time we have called it “Shikishima no michi” or ‘The true way handed down in Japan’ to compose tanka.
 In order to compose tanka about things such as flowers, birds and the moon, you must observe them in detail. Regarding the cherry blossoms, for example I think about when they will start blooming every year. I begin to observe them from the time when their tiny buds come out as soon as their leaves fall. During winter their tiny buds stand up to a cold wintry wind and severe heavy snow, they begin to expand step by step and their colors also to change gradually after the first part of March. When the first blossom opens, I am pleased with it as if my daughters or sons had been born. Composing tanka has deepened my love of nature such as flowers, birds and the moon. Therefore, composing tanka must have been called “Shikishima no michi” since the mists of time in Japan. Because composing tanka is concerned with “the teaching” which the saints have preached.
 Here, I would like to show you four tanka which I composed under the theory to observe things such as flowers, birds and the moon in detail and read and appreciate many good tanka as old poets, who had written their feelings or ideas which struck their minds and hearts, did.
 I hope these tanka can also encourage beginners who try to express their hearts in strict 31 syllable tanka form.

Not only do the/ bush warblers make plum blossoms
come out; they also/ tell me that spring has arrived
on visiting my garden.  by Mutsuo Shukuya

When I go into/ the meadows in my village,
which are all covered/ with fresh green grass, I can hear
skylarks call to each other. by Mutsuo Shukuya

A rice-planting girl --/ recalling that beautiful
image refreshes / my mind, as morning glories
release their scent on the breeze. by Mutsuo Shukuya

I hear the insects/ chirping in my own garden
early this evening/ and watch the full moon shining
while the cool breeze now flutters. by Mutsuo Shukuya
第 2節 敷島の道

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)