Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第七章(〜歌の主題 5〜)[中級講座U]
[Z]Themes for tanka composition(5)(Intermediate courseU)
(7) Tanka in July (2004)平成16年(8/16-9/13),
The autumn field”

[Z]Themes for tanka composition(5)
(Intermediate courseU)
(7) Tanka in July (2004)平成16年(8/16-9/13),
The autumn field”
 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Fuzuki [July] (8/16-9/13), in which autumn begins. The most suitable themes on which to compose tanka this month are "The morning glory", "The common reed" and "The Japanese bush clover", as I mentioned before. Autumn is also the season in which the dewdrops, which from out of moisture in the air, lie on the leaves in either the morning or evening, as I discussed and as I suggested you compose tanka on the theme, "The dewdrops in the morning" last year.
Furthermore, the breeze also changes as soon as autumn has arrived, as I showed you the following tanka by Fujiwara no Toshiyuki (?-901), which reminds us that "the breeze" tells us autumn has really arrived last year as well and I suggested that you compose tanka on the theme, "The first autumn breeze".

None has anywhere/ a clue of the arrival
of autumn except/ the sound of breeze fluttering,
which recalls it to my mind. by Fujiwara no Toshiyuki

 This time, I suggest that you compose tanka on the theme, “The autumn field” referring to the discussion above, that is, the autumn field with dewdrops upon the leaves or grass in either the morning or evening and the wind which tells that autumn has arrived.

 So, here I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by monk Sigyo <Saigyo?> (1118-1190), Kii (?-1113-?), Oshikochi no Mitsune (?-900-?) and myself on the theme, "The autumn field".
 A well-known mentor of tanka compostion, Kimiko Reizei who is the 26th descendant of the poet, Fujiwara no Teika and a member of the Reizei Family, declares the following regarding the fields in autumn: since the mists of the time in Japan we have thought these things most beautiful: the flowers abloom there,the sounds of insects chirping, dew lying upon the grasses and the mirrored moonlight in the dew. So, she composed the following tanka as an example:

Sounds of the insects/ which chirp loud behind the leaves
of the bush clovers/ can be heard when I walk on
the wet field in the evening. by Kimiko Reizei

How charming it is!/ on the field, Miyagino,/
where the wind begins/ blowing, the plentiful dew
on the grass about to drop. by monk Saigyo

On the Mano-field/ the Japanese bush clover,
which bears so much dew/ that it is about to droop
in the breeze, is flowering, by Kii

Walking in the field/ all the grass blades upon it
bear so much dew that/ I find the good scent remains
on my sleeves when I have left. by Oshikochi no Mitsune

On the autumn field/ Japanese bush clovers bear
such plentiful dew,/ each of which is mirrored by
the pale, faint light of the moon. by Mutsuo Shukuya
第七章(〜歌の主題 5〜)[中級講座U]


夕去れは 萩の上葉の 白露も 風にこほれて 香る秋の野
While I am walking/ along the road in the field,/
so plentiful dew/ on Japanese bush clovers
are scattered in the cool breeze. by Masae Shukuya

Plaza-Plaza Tanka Corner プラザ歌壇入選者

Clearly the pale moon/ can be seen upon each drop
bearing on the leaves/ of grass in the autumn field
when I'm walking this evening. by Aya Ueda

When I go into/ the field, where many insects
are chattering to/ each other in the evening,
the brilliant moon can be seen. by Tsuneko Matsuoka

Do all the insects/ chatter to each other
all the night without/ any sleeping, I wonder,
in tears?: the field gets so moist. by Fusae Katsuoka

When I go into/ the meadows this evening, where
the silvery grass/ flutters in the gentle breeze,
I hear the insects chirping. by Hisako Hashimoto

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)