Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第七章(〜歌の主題 5〜)[中級講座U]
[Z]Themes for tanka composition(5)(Intermediate courseU)
(3) Tanka in March(2004)平成16年(4/19-5/18)
“The cherry blossoms whose petals chatter around dawn”

[Z]Themes for tanka composition(5)
(Intermediate courseU)
(3) Tanka in March(2004)平成16年(4/19-5/18)
“The cherry blossoms whose petals chatter around dawn”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Yayoi[March](4/19-5/18). The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka this month is Sakura(cherry blossoms) which are at their best; soon their petals begin falling to the ground.
 I suggested you compose tanka on the theme, "The cherry blossoms in full bloom linger" two years ago and last year on the theme, "The cherry blossoms which are soon to fall." This time, I hope you can write on the more limited theme, "The cherry blossoms whose petals chatter around dawn."
 As I mentioned before, it has been said that the cherry blossoms in full bloom are of course so beautiful, but the petals which will soon fall or lie on the ground are also fascinating, as the old poet, Yoshida Kenko(1282-1350) observed in his essay, TSUREZURE-GUSA, "Are the cherry blossoms as well as the moon things which we enjoy watching only when they are at their best?"
 There are seventy-three tanka in Kokin-Shu and fifty-six in Shin-Kokin-Shu, but among them, forty-six of the former and forty of the latter are composed on the theme, "The cherry blossoms which are soon to fall."
 Here, I will show you the tanka, which are composed by Fujiwara no Shunzei(1114-1202), Nijyoin-Sanuki(1140-1217), Emperor Daijyo(1179-1239) and myself on the theme, “The cherry blossoms whose petals chatter around dawn”.
 In the tanka by Fujiwara no Shunzei, the author observed that we could have never watched such a scene as the cherry blossoms in Katano field whose petals are scattered as if the snow were falling around dawn in any other place. In the Japanese version of this tanka he uses a technique, "Engo" or "a related word", which reminds people of some image beyond the word itself. A word, "kari", which has two meanings, hunting and watching, is related to another word, "yuki" or "snow". That is to say, both these words, meaning hunting and snow, are related to winter.

Ma ta ya-mi n/ Ka ta no no mi no no/ Sa ku ra-g(k)a ri
Ha na no yu ki chi ru/ Ha ru no a ke bo no

 In any case, these example tanka are all poetry which reminds people of how fascinating the cherry blossoms, whether at their best or falling, are when we watch them.

Can we ever watch / again such a scene as the
cherry petals of/ Katano field scattered like
snowfall before the spring dawn? by Fujiwara no Shunzei

The mountain is so/ high that the cherry petals
scattered in the storm/ prevent the moon at daybreak
from shining beautifully. by Nijyoin Sanuki

The cherry petals/ abloom on Mt. Yoshino
are so completely/ scattered by the hard storm that
they whiten the sky at dawn. by Emperor Daijyo
When I look above/ in the sky on this morning
in my own village,/ I find the cherry petals
like snow falling in the wind. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第七章(〜歌の主題 5〜)[中級講座U]

 私の歌は「故郷の曙の空を見ると、櫻の花びらがまるで淡雪が降るかのように、風に舞ひ散っていた」という意味の歌である。 この歌も櫻を「雪」に見立てて詠んだ歌であるが、ただ「雪」とせず、「淡雪」としたところが違っている。「雪」は冬の言葉であるのに対して、「淡雪」は春の季語である。
Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

The cherry blossoms/ in the park have just fallen
in the morning wind,/ but remain upon the ground
and the scent of them lingers. by Kyoko Fujita

Have cherry petals/ been scattered by the storm that
raged and raged all night,/ I wonder? Now the parkground
is covered with them like snow. by Nagako Sato

The cherry blossoms,/ abloom in the morning sun
all over the park,/ have begun to be scattered
upon the sleeves of my clothes. by Hisako Hashimoto

The cherry blossoms,/ abloom in my own yard have
just begin falling/ this morning in the gentle breeze
as if they were falling snow. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)