Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第七章(〜歌の主題 5〜)[中級講座U]
[Z]Themes for tanka composition(5)(Intermediate courseU)
(2) Tanka in February(2004)平成16年(2/20-4/18)
“The wild geese calling from behind the haze”

[Z]Themes for tanka composition(5)
(Intermediate courseU)
(2) Tanka in February(2004)平成16年(2/20-4/18)
“The wild geese calling from behind the haze”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Kisaragi[February](2/20-4/18) including leap February. The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka is Sakura(cherry blossom). As I mentioned before, the phenomenon of the haze coming over the mountains and fields, of course, still remains and the wild geese leave before the cherry petals are to fall.
 I suggested you compose tanka on the theme, "The cherry blossoms abloom behind the haze" last year. So, this time, I hope you can compose tanka on the theme, “The wild geese calling from behind the haze”.
 For your tanka composition I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Ise(?-890-?) from Kokin-Shu, Tsumori Kunimoto(1022-1102) from Goshui-Shu, Fujiwara no Narimichi(1096-1159) from Kinyo-Shu and myself on this theme.
 In the tanka by Ise, she blames the wild geese for leave her, giving up just as the good season, spring, comes. When the haze hangs over the fields or mountains where the cherry blossoms are at their best, she berates the wild geeseas if they were humans.
 This is also one of the techniques for tanka composition called "Gijinho" or "personification". So, I will show you the following tanka by Fujiwara no Narimichi as another example of this technique. In this case, the author regards the warbler as a friend of his.

Oh my dear warbler!/ Please put me up for tonight:
it has just grown dark./ What's more, I have lost my way
while watching cherry blossoms. by Fujiwara no Narimichi

 In another tanka by Kunimoto, he sees a flock of the wild geese going back home behind the haze hanging in the sky as letters which are written down in Chinese ink on Japanese paper. This vividly reminds the readers of the clear vision.
 In another tanka by Narimichi, we can see how the haze had hung deep over the whole sky when he composed this tanka; he was not able to know that the wild geese were flying away to their home village if they would not cry out behind the haze in the sky.

Are the dear wild geese/ unfamiliar with my town?:
They have gone away/ giving up the haze hanging
over the cherry blossoms. by Ise

The geese go back home/ behind the haze in the sky
as if they wrote down/ their letters in Chinese ink
on light Japanese paper. by Tsumori no Kunimoto

声せつはいかて知らまし春霞 隔つる空に帰る雁音
How can I know that/ the wild geese have flown away
to their home village,/ if they do not cry out loud
behind the haze in the sky? by Fujiwara no Narimichi

The wild geese have gone/ home calling to each other
above in the sky/ all covered with condensed haze
upon this fresh spring morning. by Mutsuo Shukuya
第七章(〜歌の主題 5〜)[中級講座U]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

The geese, I notice,/ now hurry to go back home
crossing over peaks/ of mountains behind the haze
covered with cherry blossoms. by Kumiko Fujioka

The geese return home/ leaving the moon and blossoms
covered with the haze/ beyond Mt. Hie's far peak
this evening of their last stay. by Yoshio Motogi

The geese seem to have/ left here for their home village,
where the snow will fall,/ beyond the peaks of mountains
feeling full of reluctance. by Ryoko Kobashi

The geese have gone back/ behind the haze in the sky
dyed deeply crimson/ beyond peaks of the mountain,
Tatsuta, to their village. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)