Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第 1節 英語でも31音節にする理由
[U]How to compose tanka (Primer course U)
(1) Why, 31 syllable form even in English?

[U]How to compose tanka (Primer course U)
(1) Why, 31 syllable form even in English?

In this chapter, I would like to discuss how to compose tanka both in Japanese and English. I hope to suggest people who want to compose poetry called tanka would write 31 syllables with 5 and 7 syllabic combinations.  This is the first principal of composing tanka. Because we can call it tanka when you compose poems with this form. Unless one composes poems in this form we cannot call them tanka. Otherwise, even though written in five lines, we must call them “gogyoshi” or ‘five-line verse,’a quite different form from tanka.
Many tanka seem to have been written in English around 1920 and 1930. Some European poets were fascinated with Japanese old tanka poetry printed in anthologies such as Manyoshu & Kokinshu and tried to translate some of them into some other languages as well as English. Hundreds of old tanka were translated then. Fortunately several of them were composed as songs by many famous composers in those days such as Rafael Kubelik and Igor Stravinsky.
A friend, James Kirkup, who was one of the greatest poets in Europe and had lived in Andorra since he died in (2009.5.10), when he was 93 years old, shows us his answer to this question, “Why could they accept 31 syllable form even in English?”in his following reseach:

English and American interest in tanka began around 1910. The form was translated or imitated by an American poetess, Amy Lowell(1874-1925) as part of the “Imagist” poetic movement, and by Ernest Fenollosa(1853-1908). Syllabic verse is common also in western poetry - the French alexandrine, which can sometimes be divided into 5/7 syllables (with caesura) as well as tanka combination.
The following example by an English poet, Ernest Dowson (1867-1900), who was much influenced by French symbolist poetry, which does not make a tanka, but shows that 19th century English poets, if they had known the form, could easily have mastered it:

I have forgot much,/ Cynara! gone with the wind,
Flung roses, roses/ riotously with the throng..!

Shakespeare’s sonnets and songs are also in syllabic form, and contemporary poets like Thom Gunn, Dylan Thomas and Marianne Moore have also used syllabic forms. In Romantic poetry, like Keats’ “Ode to Autumn” we find a definite syllabic pattern, the number of syllables varying in each line and repeated thus exactly in all the other verses.

I had been in correspondece with James Kirkup every day for three years(2006-2008). When I asked him someday, “What do you think of an insist that it is not necessary to keep the strict syllabic form when one composes tanka in order to compose verse in which we express our whole motif as it impressed itself on our mind or heart?” He replied soon that skilled poets are able to compose such verse in which they are able to express their whole motif as it impressed itself on their minds or hearts as if the form were no limitation.
I would like recommend two tanka books, A BOOK OF TANKA and TANKA TALES(University of Salzburg) by James Kirkup to people who want to write true Tanka in English. The following two tanka by Kirkup himself will also help you to write tanka in English well.
Wind blows the blossom/
from the cherry’s mantled boughs,
cast it on the ground/ like a pale shadow, the tree’s
brilf phantom, a drifting ghost. by James Kirkup

The ancient city/ hangs in clouds ofcherry now.
The horned temple roofs/ and the stone walls of castles
float deep in drifting petals. by James Kirkup

第 1節 英語でも31音節にする理由






Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)