Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第六章 (〜歌の主題 4〜)[中級講座I]
[VI]Themes for tanka composition(4)(Intermediate course I)
(11) Tanka November (2003)平成15年(11/24-12/22)
“The plovers around the riversides”

[VI]Themes for tanka composition(4)
(Intermediate course I)
(11) Tanka November (2003)平成15年(11/24-12/22)
“The plovers around the riversides”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Shimotsuki[November](11/24-12/22), The most suitable themes on which to compose tanka this month are "The first snowfall", on which I suggested you compose tanka as one of the themes of the previous, primer, course and the theme, "The buried embers" as well. Because it becomes colder and colder day by day in Shimotsuki and we tend to go to bed early or sit still beside the fireplace, in which embers are buried in the ashes.
 On the other hand, the theme, "The plovers" is also suitable for this season: the plovers visit here from northern countries in order to stay over the coldest season as other birds also do. So, this was the last theme on the list of the previous, primer, course.
 This time, I hope you can compose tanka on the theme, “The plovers around the riversides”, which is a variation on the theme last year, "The plovers around the seashore". So, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by monk Noin(?-986-?), Fujiwara no Nagayoshi(?-?), Jyuntokuin(1197-1242) and myself on the theme which I discusssed above.
 As I noted before, the voices of plovers are all sorrowful. So, these have been the subject of poetry and art from the mist of time in Japan. And we often can hear them weeping anytime not only in the morning or evening but also at night. Here, I will show you the tanka by Yamabe no Akahito(?-?) in which the author composes on the plovers which weep around midnight.

Even at midnight/ the weeping of the plovers
can be also heard/ from around the riversides,
where a lot of oak trees stand. by Yamabe no Akahito

 Furthermore, they live around the water's edges. So, poets have composed on plovers which lie near the lakes, beaches, capes as well as seashores or riversides.
 There is a tanka by monk Noin that is said to have been composed when he visited Oshu, which is located near the seashore in the northern area in Japan where the Noda-no-Tama river runs.

Around the evening/ many plovers are weeping
along the river,/ Noda-no-Tamagawa,
where the wind from the sea blows. by monk Noin

The haze has risen/and covered all round the shore.
But notwithstanding,/ the weeping of the plovers
can be heard from everywhere. by Fujiwara no Nagayoshi

As the night goes on,/ when the moon rises above
the peaks of mountains,/ the weeping of the ploveres
can be heard with a murmur. by Jyuntokuin
All over the shores/ of Kamo-River being
bright in the full moon/ the plovers, I wonder when
they had come, begin weeping. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第六章 (〜歌の主題 4〜)[中級講座I]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

The calling voices/ of plovers, which crowd around
both the riverbanks/ along which the pine trees stand
can be heard as sounds of cold.  by Yoshio Motogi

Do the plovers call/ to their wives too, I wonder?
I hear them calling/ to each other on the banks
at night when the wind blows hard. by Sachiko Ikeno

Voices of plovers,/ which weep solitarily
on the riverbanks/ where the moon shines in the sky,
can be heard so late at night.  by Masako Sano

Have the plovers reached/ Kitakami riverbanks,
I wonder?; I hear/ them calling to each other
as water flows over pebbles. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)