Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第六章 (〜歌の主題 4〜)[中級講座I]
[VI]Themes for tanka composition(4)(Intermediate course I)
(10) Tanka October (2003)平成15年 (10/25-11/23)
“The fallen leaves in the garden”

[VI]Themes for tanka composition(4)
(Intermediate course I)
(10) Tanka October (2003)平成15年 (10/25-11/23)
“The fallen leaves in the garden”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Kannazuki [October] (10/25-11/23). The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka this month is "Shigure" or "A shower which falls in late autumn or early winter". Everytime a shower falls, the autumn leaves become
more crimson. These leaves will wither and fall to the ground in time.
 In the previous, primer course, I suggested you compose tanka on the themes, "Shigure" or "A shower which falls in late autumn or early winter", "Autumn leaves becoming crimson" and "The fallen leaves".
 In this intermediate course, I hope you can compose tanka on the following themes, which are more complicated or varied from last themes of the primer course, "The fallen leaves ", or more specifically: "The fallen leaves in
the garden", "The fallen leaves in the mountain" and "The that leaves fall like rain".
 This time, first of all, I hope you can compose tanka on the theme, “The fallen leaves in the garden”.
 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Fujiwara no Kiyosuke(1101-1175), Fujiwara no Kakuchu(1117-1177), Princess Shokushi(?-1201) and myself on the theme, "The fallen leaves in the garden".
 As I noted before, the leaves of the deciduous trees begin falling from late autumn and the fallen leaves, of course, is also one of the most typical themes in early winter or October, as the following tanka by Fujiwara no Takamitsu(940-995) shows as well as the tanka by the monk Noin(?-989-?), which I showed you last year:

When I hear the leaves,/ which are dyed deeper crimson,
falling in the wind,/ I feel extremely touched now
since October has arrived. by Fujiwara no Takamitsu

 In the tanka by Fujiwara no Kiyosuke, the author recognizes the fallen leaves in the garden through the rustle they make in the wind blowing from the vale as does Fujiwara no Kokuchu in another one .
 On the other hand, Princess Shokushi expresses how completely the leaves have fallen in the garden: the moon shines so bright that none can hide there. There is nothing to block the moonlight because all the leaves have fallen there.

It must be the leaves/ that make a noise of themselves
in my own garden/ with the wind blowing from vale
which stirs and stirs them again. by Fujiwara no Kiyosuke

Now in October/ the leaves are gone from the trees.
And, only the wind,/ which tosses the fallen leaves
in my garden, can be heard. by Fujiwara no Kakuchu

Seeing all the leaves/ of the trees in my garden
are so completely/ scattered by the cold, hard wind,
none can hide now from the moon. by Princess Shokushi
Midnight, I wake up. /The wind must be blowing hard
the sound of the leaves/ whirling round my garden
reaches me in this bedroom. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第六章 (〜歌の主題 4〜)[中級講座I]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

Upon the surface/ of my sleeping garden, where
all the birds have left,/ a few crimson leaves also
fall one after another. by Hisako Hashimoto

I did not recall/ that autumn has passed away
until this morning/ in Oct. when fallen leaves piled
by the wind in my garden. by Sachiko hayashida

Spring flowers came out/
and autumn leaves turned crimson;
these have passed and now/
fallen leaves have this morning
already covered my yard. by Kumiko Fujioka

The crimson leaves, which/ fly about up in the sky
in the wind that makes/ the windows joggle all night,
have stitched my garden brocade. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)