Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第 5節 定型の起源
[I]What is tanka? (Primer course I)
(5) Why in 31 syllables?

[I]What is tanka? (Primer course I)
(5) Why in 31 syllables?

  In this chapter, I would like to discuss  Why in 31 syllables? I am often asked by foreigners who want to compose tanka why one should use 31 syllables. As most Japanese never question this practice even tanka scholars never give reasons why one should use 31 syllables. But I was able to find why one did so in the oldest legend, “Hotsuma.”
In this ancient legends of Japan there is an explanation why haiku or tanka should be composed with 5 and 7 syllabic combinations. We must go back to the past when Izanagi (male) and Izanami (female) lived. When they were going to be married, they exchanged the following verses in order to confess their love to each other.

Female: "What a handsome man/ you are indeed!"
Male: "How happy I am,/ to hear your words! "

  The baby, which the female conceived after their first dialog, could not be born healthy and normal. Their grandfather, Toyoke-gami said to them, "The combination of the number i-yo (5/4) is not a suitable verse form as a proposal of marriage, because of this, you cannot achieve your purpose. Moreover, the female should follow after the male." So, they tried again, with the following verses. After that, they were able to have healthy and normal babies.

Male: “How happy I am,/ to happen to meet you, who
are pretty!”
Female: “Happy am I too,/to happen to meet you, who
are handsome!”

  This episode shows us the importance of the strict tanka form. The strict tanka form or which has the strict number of syllables has miraculous powers to accomplish those matters which we want to do in addition to being the verse as music which we sing to ourselves or recite to some melody.
The strict 31 syllable pattern is also symbolized in the shape of nature that the moon takes 31 days to go around the earth. And the 5 syllable pattern stands not only for the number of five vowels and but also the shape of human body whose hands have 5 fingers and his feet also have 5 toes. Also the 7 syllable pattern stands for completion.
Another reason why one should compose tanka in 31 syllables is that tanka is to be a song recited with some fixed melodies. Actually tanka with the strict 31 syllable pattern sounds sweet to Japanese ears.
  I would like to show you the following four tanka composed by Masae Shukuya who gained awards four times at Tanka Contest, “Heisei-no-Utakai” held by Sankei-News Paper. This is only one contest in Japan in which poets compete with each other how beautiful tanka is composed as a song when it is recited with some fixed melodies as well as it has good contents. These have been all recited with some fixed melodies at this award party.

Will the autumn breeze/ keep its promise, I wonder?:
the first one flutters/ dew drops on the bush clovers
whose small flowers are in bloom. by Masae Shukuya

While I am walking/ along the road in the field,/
so plentiful dew/ on Japanese bush clovers
are scattered in the cool breeze. by Masae Shukuya
Upon the meadows,/ where bush clovers are in bloom
and the deer lie down/ under the brilliant moonlight,
crickets call to each other. by Masae Shukuya

Whenever evening/ has arrived in the autumn
on meadows this year,/ the insects, which live to drink
dew drops, call to each other. by Masae Shukuya

第 5節 定型の起源

 第10回平成16年度の京都商工会議所会頭賞 「立秋」、第13回平成19年度の京都府知事賞「秋野」、第14回平成20年度の京都府知事賞 「秋鈴虫」と第15回平成21年度の関西テレビ放送賞「秋夕」等の歌題の歌である。

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)