[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V) (11) Tanka November (20002)平成14年(12/4-1/1) “The plovers around the seashore” In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Shimotsuki[November](12/4-1/1), The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka this month is "The first snowfall", on which I suggested you compose tanka two years ago, or "The buried embers", which I suggested last year. Because it becomes colder and colder day by day in Shimotsuki and we tend to go to bed early or sit still beside the fireplace, in which embers are buried in the ashes. The theme, "The plovers" is also suitable for this season: the plovers visit here from northern countries in order to stay over the coldest season as other birds also do. This time, I hope you can compose tanka on the theme, “The plovers around the seashore”. So, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Kii(?-1113-?), Minamoto no Moroyori(1067-1139), Minamoto no Michiteru(1186-1248) and myself on the theme which I discusssed above. There are various kinds of plovers, each with a different voice, though all are sorrowful. These have been the subject of poetry and art from the mist of time in Japan. The tanka collection, Hyakunin-Isshu also contains the following tanka about the plovers by Minamoto no Kanemasa(?-1100-?). It shows how the plovers have been related with the lives of people: Many many nights/ have the nightwatchmen woken to hear the plovers/ crying while they come and go between here and Awaji. by Minamoto no Kanemasa The following tanka by Kakinomoto Hitomaro(?-708) shows that the voice of plovers bears sorrowful tones: Whenever I hear/ your voice, you weeping plover, I'm reminded of/ my old sorrowful affairs on the Oumi lakeshore. by Kakinomoto Hitomaro In the tanka Kii in Japanese version, she uses the technique Kakekotoba, using a phrase which has two different meanings: the phrase, "Fukiage", means both "the winds (blowing up)" and a place name. Another tanka by Minamoto no Michiteru also contains three examples of Kakekotoba: one of them is the phrase, "Naru" in "Narumi" which means both "around" and part of the place name, "Narumi". Another, "Kaeru" means both "return" and "flutter". The last one, "Himoyuu" means both "the evening" and "I wear" in the phrase, "my sleeves (which I wear)". Furthermore, in the latter tanka, there is another technique, "Engo" or "a related phrase or word". A phrase, "the evening" is related to "sleeves" because the phrase, "the evening" has the another meaning, "I wear" in the Japanese version. 浦風に吹上の浜の浜千鳥波立ち来らし夜半に鳴くなり The plovers tonight/ are weeping on the seashore, Fukiage shore./ The waves must now start to break as winds are in the offing. by Kii 夜を寒み明石の浦の浜風に門渡る千鳥声さわくなり On this cold evening/ the plovers are just weeping against the hard wind/ blowing from the far offing to the seashore, Akashi. by Minamoto no Moroyori |
浦人の日も夕暮れになるみ潟かへる袖より千鳥鳴くなり As evening comes on/ and fishermen return to Narumi inlet,/ toward my fluttering sleeves, the plovers are now weeping. by Minamoto no Michiteru 朝霧の立つ浦の浜小波に声交はしつゝ千鳥群れ飛ふ Many plovers that/ fly away from the seashore, against which the waves/ are rippling in the deep mist, call each other this morning. by Mutsuo Shukuya 第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V] 第11節:霜月の歌「浦千鳥」(うらのちどり) 今回は霜月の歌を詠んで戴く。霜月といえば、木々の葉がすっかり落ちて寒さが身にこたえる季節である。そして雪が降ってくるのを待つ季節である。そこで「初雪」が欠かせない歌題である。寒さは日々厳しくなり、衾や火が恋しくなる。そこで、「埋火」も欠かせない歌題の一つである。そして、越冬のために色々な鳥が渡って来る。その一つに「千鳥」がある。一昨年は「初雪」、昨年は「埋火」を詠んで戴いたが、今年は千鳥の中でも「浦千鳥」を歌を詠んで戴く。「浦千鳥」を歌題に、紀伊、源師頼、源通光と私の歌を例歌としてみた。 千鳥は種類により鳴き声は違うが、哀調が篭っており、古来より詩歌や絵画の素材となった。百人一首にも「淡路島かよふ千鳥の鳴く声に幾夜ねさめぬ須磨の関守」という源兼昌の歌がある。「須磨の関守が幾夜も寝られないほど、千鳥の鳴く声が聞こえた」ということで、人々の生活に密接な関係を持っていたことが解かる。そして、柿本人麻呂は「近江の湖の夕べの波の上を飛ぶ千鳥よ。お前が鳴くのを聞くと心も打ちしおれて昔のことが思い出される」という意味の「淡海の海夕波千鳥汝か鳴けは心もしのに古思ほゆ」という歌を詠んでいる。この歌によっても千鳥が「心も打ちしおれる」ほど哀調の篭った鳴き声をしている鳥であることが解る。紀伊の歌は「(和歌山市の紀ノ川の河口の左岸一帯の)吹上の浜は浦風に吹き上げられて波が立っているらしい。そこにいる浜千鳥がこの夜中に鳴くのが聞こえる」という意味で、「浦風に吹き上げられる」の「吹き上」と「吹上の浜」の「吹上」とを掛けた掛詞の修辞法が用いられている。源通光の歌も同様に、「夕暮れになる」の「なる」と「鳴海潟 」の「鳴」とを掛けた掛詞、「 かへる」には、「帰る」と「袖が風に翻る」の意味の「かへる」とを掛けている。さらに、「日も夕」に「紐結ふ」を掛け、「袖」の縁語ともなっている。言葉の技巧はさることながら、ここでは、哀調に富んだ冬の訪問客である千鳥を迎えた歌を詠んで戴ければと思う。 Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者 @小林和歌子A山本綾子B小林洋子C宿谷政枝 浜千鳥浦の波間に汝か鳴けは櫻の花の春や恋しき Whenever I hear/ the plovers weeping over the billowing sea,/ I recall memories of cherry blossoms once abloom. by Wakako Kobayashi 志賀の浦寄する波間に響く声妹背鳴き交ふ千鳥飛ひ行く The voice of plovers,/ flying over the seaside, both male and female,/ can just be made out as they are calling for each other. by Ayako Yamamoto 難波潟行方も知れぬ浜千鳥紅染まる波間飛ひ行く The polvers, whose paths/ I cannot follow clearly, fly about over/ the Naniwa inlet dyed deep crimson in the sunset. by Yoko Kobayashi 人もなき小波寄する夕暮れに声交わしつつ千鳥門渡る So many polvers,/ which call for one another, fly away over/ the seashore of this inlet where no other soul has come. by Masae Shukuya |
古典短歌講座(第1版) Classical Tanka composition in English (1) |
プラボットの異端児(短歌入門部屋)に戻る 当サイトはリンクフリーです、どうぞご自由に。 Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp) |