Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]
[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(9) Tanka in September (20002)平成14年(10/6-11/4)
“A shower in late autumn dyes the leaves”

[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(9) Tanka in September (20002)平成14年(10/6-11/4)
“A shower in late autumn dyes the leaves”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Nagatsuki[September](10/6-11/4), This month is the last month of autumn, so the showers of late autumn dye the leaves. Now, the chrysanthemum is at its best. The frost falls and the wild geese visit from northern countries. Two years ago I asked you to compose on the theme, "The wild geese", and last year on the more limited theme, "The first wild geese seen from the breaks in the clouds". This time I hope you can compose on one of the most typical themes of this month, "A shower in late autumn dyes the leaves".
 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Fujiwara no Nakazane(1056-1118), Kino Tsurayuki(872?-945), the monk Saigyo(1118-1190), and myself on the theme, “A shower in late autumn dyes the leaves”.
  The showers, which fall mainly in early winter, begin to fall and dye the leaves in late autumn, as Fujiwara no Nakazane shows in his example tanka.
The following tanka by Minamoto no Shitagou(911-987) also clearly certifies that showers fall in late autumn:

Mt. Nagara still/ bears same name by which I have
heard it called before,/ but it turns a deeper red
in autumn with many showers. by Minamoto no Shitagou

 Furthermore, poets in Japan seems to have felt awe and respect for the mystery of nature as the following tanka by Fujiwara no Yoen(1047-1125) shows: even tiny phenomenon like a shower, whose power is much inferior to the flowing water in a mountain stream, turns the leaves completely crimson.

Although a shower/ is not more powerful than
water in mountains,/ it dyes the leaves a much more
vivid color than the stream. by Fujiwara no Yoen

 Monk Saigo stresses the essence of the theme, that the shower itself dyes the leaves, in his tanka by using grammatical inversion.
 Choosing this theme, you are required to limit your whole content to a shower in late autumn dyeing the leaves crimson, which is much more challenging than others, in your tanka. So, you must think out your wording by using such places and names as a native town, the village and Mt. Nagara, which appear in the example tanka, in order to give uniqueness to your composition.

A shower, which has/ fallen in September must
have dyed all the leaves/
spread out on the tree's surface:
they have also turned crimson. by Fujiwara no Nakazane

Not only dew drops/ but also heavy showers
have dyed all the leaves/ of the trees in the mountains
deep yellow or clear crimson. by Kino Tsurayuki

Crimson, the color/ of all the leaves on the trees
around the village/ along the mountain, must be
the work of today's showers. by Monk Sigyo
The first showers, which/ started falling in autumn
in my native town,/ have thoroughly dyed the leaves
crimson, again and again. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

In late, late autumn/ all the leaves on every tree
on the mountaintops/ will turn a deeper crimson
with every falling shower. by Wakako Kobayashi

As the shower clouds/ cover all of Mount Tate,
its rainfall will dye/ the leaves of trees and deepen
their color into crimson.   by Kaoru Takayama

The autumn shower,/ whose *tatters cover the lake
of Okutama,/ changes the colored leaves to
deep crimson along the shore. by Yukiko Okamoto
(Note: "tatters" - strips of torn clothing, like the low edge of a raincloud)

The colored leaves of/ the mountain deepen into
crimson everytime/ the cold autumn showers fall
as if the mount changed costumes. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)