Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]
[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(8) Tanka in August (20002)平成14年(9/7-10/5)
“The quails”

[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(8) Tanka in August (20002)平成14年(9/7-10/5)
“The quails”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Hazuki[August](9/7-10/5). The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka this month is "Tsuki" or "The moon". The full moon this month, which we have called the harvest moon, has been admired as the most beautiful one since the mists of time in Japan. So, both "The silver grasses" and "The yellow grasses" have been offered to this harvest moon on the midday of this mouth as well as in autumn. And then "The red leaves" are to appear and "The deer" are also to cry for partners and "The quails" are to come down from the northern area to the middle and southern area in Japan in time. So, the themes such as "The silver grasses, "The yellow grasses", "The red leaves", "The deer" and "The quails" are all considered to be suitable ones of this month.
 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Monk Jien(1155-1225),Fujiwara no Shunzei(1114-1202), Minamoto no Michiteru(1186-1248) and myself on the theme, “The quails”.
 The example tanka by Monk Jien is said to have been composed alluding to the following love tanka dailog printed in Ise Monogatari(Ise Story) written by Ariwara no Narihira(825-880):

Fukakusa, where/ I have been for a long time,
will be covered with/ grasses like a lonely field
in time, after I leave here. by a man

I am going to/ spend my life as a quail
after you leave here,/ as you will never be here again
even for the shortest time. by a woman

 In the latter tanka, the author blames him for leaving. But at the same time she wishes he would come again even if she as a quail were shot by him as a hunter:The phrase, "Karinidaniyawa", of this original tanka in Japanese has two different meanings, using the technique, "kake-kotoba" in which a word or phrase has two different meaning at once, though it sounds the same when we read it. So, this means not only "even for the shortest time" but also "even as a quail hunter". (although the latter phrase is not written in this tanka) Furthermore, Fukakusa was one of the famous hunting grounds for quails.
 So, another author, Fujiwara no Shunzei, is said to have composed his following tanka when deeply touched by her feelings:

It is the quail that/ has arrived at the village,
Fukakusa, where/ both pathos and the dewdrops
deepen in latter autumn. by Monk Jien

The quails also cry/ at Fukakusa village
on the evening of/ an autumn day, the cool breeze
blows through the field not alone. by Fujiwara no Shunzei

The quail, perhaps, cries/ out because of its sadness
at the mountains foot,/ where silver grasses flutter
like sobs of a lovelorn girl. by Minamoto no Michiteru
The voice of quails/ can be heard in the evening
on the paddy field/ where the rice has been harvested
with the cool breeze fluttering. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

秋風の 吹く夕暮れの 深草に 汝れか形見の 鶉鳴く声
The voice of plovers,/ which are their own memento,
can be heard clearly/ in the Fukakusa field
this evening when the winds blow. by Wakako Kobayashi

人一人 古偲ふ 夕暮れの 野辺分け入れは 鶉鳴く声
The voice of plovers,/ can be heard in the evening
as I wander through/ the field being reminded
of when I, too, was alone. by Ayako Yamamoto

Some plovers seem/ to have visited this field:
their voices call out/ this evening while the pampas
are fluttering in the field. by Masae Shukuya

Though I walked into/ the fields in order to hear
the plovers weeping,/ I never heard anything,
only the fluttering wind.   by Takako Takai

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)