Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]
[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(7) Tanka in July (20002)平成14年(8/9-9/6)
“The dewdrops in the morning”

[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(7) Tanka in July (20002)平成14年(8/9-9/6)
“The dewdrops in the morning”
 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Fuzuki[July](8/9-9/6), in which autumn begins. The most suitable themes on which to compose tanka this month are "The morning glory", "The common reed" and "The Japanese bush clover", as I mentioned before. So, I suggested you compose tanka on the theme, "The morning glory" two years ago, and last year, "The wind blowing over the common reed".
 Autumn is also the season that the dewdrops, which come out of moisture in the air, lie on the leaves in either the morning or evening. So, the word, "the dewdrops" becomes "a related word", a technique which reminds your readers of some image beyond the word itself, of autumn. I will show you the following anonymous tanka which reminds as that both words, "dewdrops" and “autumn” are so related by using this technique.

The bed, where I sleep,/ is not made of grass or leaves,
but has gotten wet/ with my warm tears this evening
as if the dew had condensed. anonymous

 As "dewdrops" are to vanish as soon as they come out, they are often compared to the things which pass away soon. I will show you the following tanka by Sone Yoshitada(?-984-?) as an example.

The morning glories,/ whose flowers I hoped to watch
this early morning,/ have faded before I wake
just like dewdrops pass away. by Sone Yoshitada

 There are some places which are famous for dewdrops such as Miyagino, Sagano, Musashino, Adano and so on. I will show you the following tanka by Saigyo Hoshi(1118-1190) as an example above.

I wonder how hard/ the dewdrops will spill over
on the grass and leaves/ on the wild Sagano field,
where autumn winds blow strongly. by Saigyo Hoshi

 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Otomo no Yakamochi(718?-785), Oshikochi no Mitsune(?-900-?), Emperor Heizei(?-?) and myself on the theme, “The dewdrops in the morning”.

Some drops of dew lie/ on the bush clover as if
they were white jewels,/ in the morning when a stag
leaves the field for his mountain. by Otomo no Yakamochi

While I go ahead/ upon my way in the field
the clothes which I wear/ are completely dampened with
the dews which are still fragrant. by Oshikochi no Mitsune

On the bush clovers/ many dewdrops lie waiting,
about to fall down,/ as soon as I try to break
even one of their thin twigs. by Emperor Heizei
Dewdrops lie upon/ the leaves of the bush clovers
growing in the yard/ of an olden temple, which
stands in the Sagano field. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]

Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

I found and picked/ up a small bush clover twig
early this morning/ still with dewdrops upon it
bearing the smell of autumn. by Wakako Kobayashi

As I walk along/ the path among the wild fields
early this morning,/ I find dew drops glittering
on the leaves of bush clovers.   by Kaoru Takayama

The white dew drops,which/ lie upon the bush clovers
in my own graden,/ keep my sleeves wet all the time
when I walk in the morning. by Ayako Yamamoto

朝ほらけ 我庭に咲く 朝顔に 置く白露の 風にこほるゝ
The white dew drops,which/ are on the morning glories
in my own graden/ spill away with the cool breeze,
which brows early this morning. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)