Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第 4節 歌を詠む心
[I]What is tanka? (Primer course I)
(4) The motives for composing tanka

[I]What is tanka? (Primer course I)
(4) The motives for composing tanka

In this chapter, I would like to discuss “What is the motives for composing tanka?
What has motivated poets to compose tanka since old time? Fumiko Reizei, President of Reizei Family, the twenty sixth descendant of Teika Fujiwara (1162-1241) who accomplished the method of composition of aesthetic tanka, discussed the motives for composing tanka in the publication, “Shiguretei,” Volume 29, June 20 1989:

“Every day I enjoy watching flowers and hearing birds singing in my yard so that I can recognize the changes of the four seasons personally, without a calendar. In short, I can know whether spring or summer has already come or not, to hear birds singing as well as various flowers and insects etc.
When the succesive holidays are coming (the first ten days of May), at the edge of my yard, dozens of peonies come out beautifully every year. All colors: white, pink, dark red etc, are acceptable to me. I, myself, unconsciously applaud them. Even bees flying from everywhere seem also to praise them by coming to each petal.
At its best, the peony is the king of flowers, but it's a pity it is so fragile when it rains. At the beginning of June, brown lilies with rain drops on their petals start blooming against dark green and look better than white lilies.
Wild oranges also smell fragrant and look pretty. I always walk in my yard in the early morning and hear birds such as bulbul, great tit, sparrow, dove, and shrike singing.
I also watch dew on the leaves of butterburs or peonies and can feel at sympathy with those that lived in olden times. All that I experience every day, as I discussed above, motivates me to compose tanka.”

The motives for composing tanka seem to be exaltation as well as the enjoyment which we can get when we observe nature.
She enjoys watching flowers and hearing birds singing in her yard and she also appreciates nature because of her rich sensibility.
I would like to show you the following four tanka composed by Fumiko Reizei on the themes such as “The plum blossoms in my yard,” “Dawn in spring,”“The little cuckoo,” and “The colored leaves,” which are my favorite tanka among her works composed in each season.
These seem to show her exaltation as well as enjoyment of nature. When I read each tanka, I can feel deeply her sensibility for nature, affection for the plum blossoms and the little cuckoo, delight in the changes of seasons and the deep impression of the colored leaves.
The white plum blossoms,/ which are abloom in my yard
in the gentle breeze,/ smell all the more fragrant as
I watch them in the evening.  by Fumiko Reizei

帰る雁 鳴きて越え行く 東山 花の峯より しらむ曙
The dawn is breaking/ from the peak of Higashi
with cherry blossoms,/ above which the wild geese fly
away bidding us farewell. by Fumiko Reizei

ふる里をしのひねに鳴くほとときす 橘薫る 山庵に聞く
I heard the cuckoo/ whisper its longing for its
native village at/ the hut in the mountain, in
which wild oranges smell fragrant. by Fumiko Reizei

Who has woven them/ and who has dyed this mountain
like a colored print?/ One after another peak
is crowned with red leaves. by Fumiko Rezei

第 4節 歌を詠む心




Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)