Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]
[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(1) Tanka in January (20002)平成14年(2/12-3/13)
“Warblers tell me spring has arrived”

[V]Themes for tanka composition(3)(Junior course V)
(1) Tanka in January (20002)平成14年(2/12-3/13)
“Warblers tell me spring has arrived”

 In all of this year's articles, I would like to discuss the themes on which one should compose tanka in order to express his/her heart in the same way the ancient poets expressed the impressions they had of the beauties of every season in their tanka as I mentioned last year.
 In Mutsuki[January](2/12-3/13), the most suitable themes on which to compose tanka are Ume(plum blossom), Uguisu(bush warbler) and Kasumi(haze). I suggested that you compose tanka on the theme, “Ume blossoms tell me spring has arrived” last year, but this year, I hope you can do so on the theme, “Warblers tell me spring has arrived”. From the mist of time, ume blossoms as well as bush warblers have been also regarded things as tell us spring has arrived, as I mentioned before.
 But warblers seem to be able to respond to the current of seasons sooner than plum blossoms. So, such poets in Kokin-shu as Muneyana Ariwara(?-898) who is heir to the famous poet, Narihira Ariwara(825-881) and Monk Sosei(?-909) composed the following tanka in this collection.

It is not plum blossoms/ but bush warblers that tell me
that spring has arrived/ in my deep mountain village
mocking my impatience. by Muneyana Ariwara

I think the warblers/ must have mistaken the snow
for plum blossoms, as/ they sing songs upon the twigs
as if spring had now arrived. by Monk Sosei

 Even in the Heian and Kamakura periods, when Shinkokin-shu was compiled, such poetesses as Jyosaimonin no Hyoe(1107-1183) composed the following tanka as the poets in Kokin-shu did.

What sign of spring makes/
warblers come out from their beds
to the valley where/ the snow is not completely
put out of sight, I wonder? by Jyosaimonin no Hyoe

 Now, for your tanka composition I will show you more tanka, which are composed by Asatada Fujiwara(909-966), two fellow pupils, Takako Tanaka and Sakiko Takubo, and myself on the theme, "Bush warblers tell me spring has arrived".

鶯の 声なかりせは 雪消えぬ 山里いかて 春を知らまし
How am I to know/ that spring has come to my home
in the deep mountains/ on which the snow still remains
without hearing warblers' songs? by Asatada Fujiwara

我庵の 梅か香かをる 窓の外に 春告け初むる 鶯の声
The first warblers' voice/ telling that spring has arrived
in my garden where/ the plum blossoms are abloom,
can be heard through the window. by Takako Tanaka

窓近く 鳴く鶯の 長閑なる 声にも春の 色の見えける
The voice of warblers,/ which I hear near the window,
sounds so peaceful and/ mild that I find them singing
songs which carry spring to me. by Sakiko Takubo

我庭の 梅の初花 いさなひし 鶯春の おとつれを告く
The warblers which sing/ merry songs on the plum twigs
whose blossoms are in/ bloom in my garden today
tell me that spring has arrived. by Musuo Shukuya
第五章(〜歌の主題 3〜)[初級講座V]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

@梅の花 香る相模の 山辺にも 春を告くるや 鶯の鳴く
A bush warbler, which/ tells me spring has come, perhaps,
sings its song out from/ the Sagami mountainside,
where plum blossoms are in bloom. by Wakako Kobayashi

A春告けて 梅枝に鳴く 鶯の 初音もとかし 埼玉の里
The warbler's first cry,/
which can be heard from the twigs
of the plum tree is / so unsteady, as if it
wondered if spring had arrived. by Kaoru Takayama

B朝ほらけ 梅香渡る 庭先に 春誘ふや 鶯の声
The voice of warblers/ can be heard in my garden
early this morning,/ where plum blossoms are in bloom:
Does it mean spring has arrived? by Ayako Yamamoto

C梅匂ふ 春また浅き 山里に はや訪ふて鳴く 鶯の声
The unsteady cries,/ which the warblers utter first
as soon as they call/ from the deep mountain village
with plums abloom, are now heard. by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)