Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第四章(〜歌の主題 2〜)[初級講座U]
[IV]Themes for tanka composition(2)(Junior courseU)
(12) Tanka in December(2001)平成13年(1/13-2/11)
“Ice on a stream”

[IV]Themes for tanka composition(2)(Junior courseU)
(12) Tanka in December(2001)平成13年(1/13-2/11)
“Ice on a stream”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Shiwasu[December](1/13-2/11). The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka this month is "Koori" or ‘Ice': the ponds and streams begin freezing in Shiwasu. So, tanka on the themes, "Water begins freezing into ice", "Ice on a stream", "Ice in a waterfall", "Ice on a pond", "Ice on a lake" and so on have been composed in Shiwasu from the mist of time.
 Last year I asked you to compose tanka on the theme, "Water begins freezing into ice". This time, I hope you can compose tanka on the theme, “Ice on a stream”. So, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Yoshitsune Fujiwara(1169-1206), Princess Shokushi(?-1201), Arihito Minamoto(1102-1147 ) and myself on the same theme.
 In the tanka composed on the theme, "Ice on a stream", the names of famous streams or rivers are often used. In the following tanka by Yoshitsune Fujiwara, the name of the Kiyotaki River, which really runs along the foot of Mt. Atago located around the North-West area of Kyoto city, is used. Furthermore, this river is one of branches of the Owigawa River. And in this tanka a technique of tanka composition, Kakekotoba, a word which holds two different meanings at once though it sounds the same when we read it, is used:

Minakamiya/ Taedae kohoru
iwama yori/ Kiyotaki gawani
nokoru shiranami

 "Ki" in the word, "Kiyotaki-gawa" also means "leak". Yoshitsune Fujiwara composed the following tanka about the Owigawa River as well as the Kiyotaki River:

The sounds of running/ of water in the shallows
has completely ceased:/ on the Owigawa stream
even winds freeze into ice. by Yoshitsune Fujiwara

 In the tanka by Princess Shokushi, not only the word, winter itself but also the word, a wild duck, which is one of the winter birds, is used so that this tanka especially conveys the image of winter to the readers.
 It is very hard to stand the severe cold weather of winter as well as the severe hot weather of summer. But as a traditional poetry custom, poets have never composed tanka to complain of their pain or hardship but to express the pleasure which they experience even in this hard situation: they expressed the pleasure of coolness in summer despite hot weather, and warmness in winter. I hope you can compose tanka to express your pleasure as the poets did in the past, as I mentioned before.

On the upper stream/ water must freeze into ice,
now that only white/ bubbles leaking from rock breaks
run in the Kiyotaki. by Yoshitsune Fujiwara

Winter has just come:/ along the watersides of
a river inlet,/ where wild ducks stay together,
water freezes into ice. by Princess Shokushi
谷川の 淀みに結ふ 氷こそ 見る人もなき 鏡なりけり
Stagnating waters/ flowing through the vale, which freeze into ice, look like/ the mirror that no one had
any chance to look into. by Naidaijin

Water on the stream/ must have frozen into ice,
now that the clear moon/ rises and evening has come
with colder winds fluttering. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第四章(〜歌の主題 2〜)[初級講座U]

 氷は水の存在する所には何処にでも張りつめる。そこで、歌題として、「河氷」の他に、「滝氷」「池氷」「湖氷」が詠まれる。「河氷」の歌題では実際の河の名前を詠みこむこともしばしばである。例歌の藤原良経の歌には清滝川が詠みこまれている。この川は京都市北西部、愛宕山の東麓を流れている川で、大井川の支流にあたる。さらに、この歌には「掛詞」の修辞法が用いられている。「清滝川」の「き」と「岩間より来」の「き」がそれである。 良経は本流の大井川についても「大井川瀬々の岩波音絶えてゐ関の水に風凍るなり」という歌を詠んでいる。

Plaza-Plaza Tanka Corner プラザ歌壇入選者

@寒空に 冴え冴え渡る 月影の 写る川面に 結ふ薄氷
Upon the surface/ of the stream, in which the moon
up in the clear sky/ is mirrored, water has just
been frozen over tonight.  by Wakako Kobayashi

A山おろし 吹く谷川の 辺にも わくらは閉して 結ふ薄氷
Along the shore of/ the river, on which winds blow
hard from the mountains,/ water has just now frozen
over trapping fallen leaves. by Hiroko Seki

Along the shore of/ the Tone river, on which
wild ducks take a rest/ and ripples go up and down,
ice has just started to form. by Kaoru Takayama

The shore of the stream/ is already covered with
the first thin white ice,/ which comes out in the cold wind,
the instant that the day breaks. by Ayako Yamamoto

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)