Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第四章(〜歌の主題 2〜)[初級講座U]
[IV]Themes for tanka composition(2)(Junior courseU)
(4) Tanka in April(2001)平成13年(4/23-5/22)
“The cuckoo bird”

[IV]Themes for tanka composition(2)(Junior courseU)
(4) Tanka in April(2001)平成13年(4/23-5/22)
“The cuckoo bird”

 In this chapter, I will try to discuss how tanka should be composed in Uzuki[April](4/23-5/22)*. The most suitable theme on which to compose tanka is namely Unohana(the flower of deutzia). Under the lunar calendar, not only Uzuki but also Satsuki[May](6/21-7/20) and Minatsuki[June] (7/21-8/18) are all summer. Birds are also used to give the flavor of the season; the cuckoo bird is popular as one of the themes in summer as well as the bush warbler in spring or the wild geese in autumn.
 I suggested you to compose tanka on the theme, "The flower of deutzia" last year. This time, I hope you can do so to on an easier theme, "The cuckoo bird".
 The cuckoo bird migrates from the sorth early summer when the flower of deutzia or iris, on which the following tanka are composed by Mitsune Ooshikochi(?-900-?) and Yoshitsune Fujiwara(1169-1206), comes out and leaves in early autumn.

  Some of the cuckoos,/ which have now apparently
  already arrived/ when the deutzia came out,
  fly overhead crying out. by Mitsune Ooshikochi

  The iris, wetted/ with raindrops, is flowering
  on the evening of/ a fine day in May and now
  the cuckoo birds are singing. by Yoshitsune Fujiwara

 Most people have yearned for hearing the voices of the cuckoo birds which sing in the mountain first then do so in the village as shown in the following tanka composed by Tomonori Kino(?-907). Furthermore, the cuckoo birds begin to sing before day breaks; it always breaks early in summer but late in autumn as shown in the following tanka composed
by Tsurayiki Kino(?-945).

  While I was crossing/ the slopes of Mount Otowa
  I heard a cuckoo/ singing above the treetops
  now for the first time this year. by Tomonori Kino

  As soon as I take/ a nap for a little while
  on a summer night,/ day breaks when the cuckoo birds
  can be heard for the first time. by Tsurayuki Kino

 Now, let me show you more tanka, which are composed by Shunzei Fujiwara(1114-1202), Ietaka Fujiwara(1158-1237), Saigyo-hoshi(1118-1190) and myself on the theme, “The cuckoo bird.” *leap April(5/23-6/20)

雨注く 花橘に 風過きて 山郭公 雲に鳴くなり
Although the flowers/ of mandarin orange trees
blooming in the rain/ are fragrant on this mountain,
cuckoos sing from shady clouds. by Shunzei Fujiwara

橘の 花散る里の 夕風に 山郭公 声かをるなり
In the evening breeze,/ which blows in the village where
petals are falling,/ --manderin orange flowers--
cuckoos' voice sound like their scent. by Ietaka Fujiwara

郭公 深き峰より 出にけり 外山の裾に 声の落ち来る
From the deep mountains/
cuckoo birds must have arrived
around the foot of/ their steep slopes: their clear voices
indeed seem so much closer. by Saigyo- hoshi
山深き 草の庵に 夏来れと 訪ふ郭公 声も稀なり
Though summer has come/ at my cottage, where I stay
in these deep mountains,/
the voice of cuckoos for which
I yearn cannot yet be heard. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第四章(〜歌の主題 2〜)[初級講座U]

 今回は卯月の歌を詠んで戴く。卯月といえば、まずその名の如く「卯花」が主題となる。旧暦では卯月は夏の始まりである。鳥の中では, 春は「鶯」、秋は「雁」に代表されるように、夏はなんと言っても「郭公」である。歌題として昨年は「卯花」を詠んで戴いたが、今年は「郭公」を詠んで戴く。郭公は次の凡河内躬恒と藤原良経の歌に詠まれていることで分かるように、卯の花や菖蒲が咲く頃にやってきて秋には南方に帰っていく。

Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

@暮るヽかと 思へは明くる 東雲の 空に囀る 山郭公
Day breaks in summer/ as soon as it becomes dark
--and then the cuckoos/ coming from the deep mountains
sing songs into the blue sky. by Wakako Kobayashi

A故郷の 橘香る 花の下 鳴き語らふや 山郭公
Under the flowers/ of mandarin orange trees
in my native town,/ the cuckoos sing together
as they talk with each other. by Hiroko Seki

B山深き 峰より出る 郭公 待ち侘ふ故か 声も懐かし
Since I have longed for/ the voice of cuckoos coming
from the deep mountains,/
they can be heard much clearer
than I heard them last summer. by Ayako Yamamoto

C故郷の 産土の森 橘の 香る朝に 郭公鳴く
This early morning/ when the mandarin flowers
are just in full bloom,/ the cuckoos sing together
in the wood deities live. by Kaoru Takayama

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)