Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I]
[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I)
(10) Tanka in October(2000)平成12年(10/27-11/25)
“A shower in early winter.”

[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I)
(10) Tanka in October(2000)平成12年(10/27-11/25)
“A shower in early winter.”

 This time, I would like to introduce you to another technique, “Engo”or ‘a related word,’which reminds your readers of some image beyond the word itself. When you use this technique in your tanka, you can make a more elegant and profound poem.
 Here, I will show you two tanka composed using this technique. Both of them appear in the tanka collection, “Hyakunin-Isshu”or ‘100 tanka composed by 100 poets.’ One is by Ise, daughter of Kagetsugu Fujiwara. The other is by Chisato Ooe(?-900-?).

Are you asking me/ to be separated forever
without seeing you/ even for a short while, like
reed joints on Naniwa Strand? by Ise(19)
(Na ni wa ga ta/ mi ji ka ki a shi no/ fu shi no ma mo
a wa de ko no yo wo/ su gu shi te yo to ya)

Whenever I watch/ the moon shine in the deep sky
at night in autumn,/ it reminds me of sad things
though it shines on everyone. by Chisato Ooe(23)
(Tsu ki mi re ba/ chi ji ni mo no ko so/ ka na shi ke re
wa ga mi hi to tsu no/ a ki ni wa a ra ne do)

 In the above two tanka, “joints” is a word related to “reed”and “me”is also a word related to “things” in the Japanese versions.
 In Kannazuki[October](10/27-11/25), the most suitable theme on which to compose tanka is “Shigure” or ‘A shower which falls in late autumn and early winter’. Everytime a shower falls, autumn leaves become more crimson. And leaves fall from the trees day after day. Furthermore, the ground is covered with frost and cold winds begin to blow.
 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Teika Fujiwara(1162-1241), Gotobain(1180-1239), a fellow pupils, Michiko Reizei and myself on the theme, “A shower in early winter.”
 I hope these tanka can also encourage people who have practiced expressing their hearts in strict 31 syllable tanka form.

Coulds up in the sky,/ which brought a shower at once,
have gone far away./ -- Perhaps someone has wet his
sleeves with the rains from these clouds.
                    by Teika Fujiwara

Oh, how many times/ has the moonlight visited
my sleeves, wet with rain,/ even as it rains or stop
at once after the shower? by Gotobain

The first shower, which/ visits my pillow tonight
as soon as I wake,/ tells me winter has arrived
although it brings me sadness. by Michiko Reizei

Winter has arrived:/ I have found it indeed so
to see maple leaves/ turn so crimson in showers
as I got out through the door. by Mutsuo Shukuya
第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

The winter shower,/ which first falls this year, as if
it felt sorry for/ autumn’s passing, dyes maples
in the vales more and more red. by Hiroko Seki

This early morning/ as I listened carefully
with my eyes so closed,/ I found a shower unseen
fell down without any sound. by Wakako Kobayashi

Wandering around/ a lake in Shiretoko,
in which the mountains/ are beautifully mirrored,
the first shower falls calmly. by Kaoru Takayama

An autumn shower,/ which goes on falling all day
until the evening,/ dyes all the tree leaves crimson
as I watch them from my yard.  by Masae Shukuya

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)