[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I) (9) Tanka in September (2000)平成12年(9/28-10/26) “The wild geese” This time, I would like to introduce you to another technique, “Kake-Kotoba” to remind your readers of something that you want to make them think about after they read your tanka. “Kake-Kotoba” stands for a word which holds two different meanings at once though it sounds the same when we read it. There are four kinds of “Kake-Kotoba.” One of them holds two different noun meanings. Another has two meanings used as both noun & verb. The third one, noun & adjective. And last one, two verbs. 1)How pretty they are!:/ the double cherry blossoms which come from Nara, /the capital, are now in full bloom at the new palace. by Ise no Taifu(61) (The Japanese phrase, “Kokokohe” means both ‘this or now’and ‘Palace’) 2)Though I must leave here/ for Inaba, my new post, I'll return to you/ if I hear you stand waiting like pines on Mount Inaba. by Yukihira Ariwara(16) (In this poem there are two kinds of “Kake-Kotoba”:The Japanese phrase, “Inaba” means both ‘leave’and ‘Inaba itself, which is place name’ and the other, “Matsu” means both ‘waiting’and ‘pines’) 3) This cold frosty night,/ when the crickets are chirping, I must sleep alone/ on my side wearing thin robes on a cold sedge sleeping mat. by Yoshitsune Fujiwara(91) (The Japanese phrase, “Samusiro” means both ‘sleeping mat as noun’and ‘cold as adjective’.) 4) Closing my own gate/ made with brushwood in the sun early this evening/ I find autumn cicadas chirp as if they felt lonely. by Tadayoshi Fujiwara (The Japanese phrase, “Sasu” means both ‘close as verb’and ‘in the sun (which shines) as verb’.) (These tanka poems[1,2,3] appear in the tanka collection, “Hyakunin-Isshu”or ‘100 tanka composed by 100 poets.’ The poem[4] by Tadayoshi Fujiwara is printed in Shin-Kokin.) Nagatsuki[September](9/28-10/26) is the last month in autumn so a shower in late autumn dyes the leaves red or yellow. And the chrysanthemum is at its best. The frost falls and the wild geese visit from northern countries. First, I hope you can compose on the theme, “The wild geese” Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Kino Tomonori(?-907), two fellow pupils, Takako Tanaka, Aya Ueda and myself on the theme, “The wild geese”. 秋風に初雁音そ聞こゆなる誰か玉梓をかけてきつらむ On the autumn wind/ I could hear the first crying of wild geese passing./ I wonder whence they come, with a love-letter from someone? by Kimo Tomonori 物思ふ秋の夕へに初雁の雲路遥かに声聞こえくる Autumn evening--/ as I was lost in deep thought voices of the first/ wild geese began sounding from far off, their path through the clouds. by Takako Tanaka |
秋の夜の雲居の空を迷はすに何処を訪ふや雁音の声 Never losing their way/ in the sky covered with clouds on this autumn night--/ what landscapes will they visit with all their wild geese crying? by Aya Ueda 望月の夜空を高く仰きなは北の国より渡る雁音 As I lift my face/ to look high in the night sky where a full moon shines --/ I heard, crossing over from the north, voices of wild geese. by Mutsuo Shukuya 第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I] 第9節:長月の歌「雁」(かり) 「掛詞」 今回は読者にある種の連想を呼び起こさせる修辞法の一つである「掛詞」を紹介する。「掛詞」は同音異義の言葉を活用して二重の意味を持たせる技法である。 同音異義の言葉の中で「掛詞」として使われる組み合わせには次の四種類がある。即ち、1)名詞と名詞2)名詞と動詞 3)名詞と形容詞 4)動詞と動詞の四種類がある。それぞれの組み合わせの「掛詞」を用いた歌を古歌から紹介したい。 第一に、伊勢大輔の「061古の奈良の都の八重桜けふ九重に匂ひぬるかな」という百人一首の中の歌である。「宮中」を意味する『九重』と、「このあたり」という意味の『ここの辺』という名詞と名詞とを掛けたものである。 第二に、在原行平の「016立ち別れ因幡の山の峯の生ふる松とし聞かば今帰り来む」という歌である。ここでは、2組の「名詞と動詞」の「掛詞」が用いられている。一つには、「因幡」「往なば」であり、もう一つには「松」と「待つ」である。 第三に、091藤原良経の「091きりぎりす鳴くや霜夜のさ莚に衣かたしき一人かも寝む」という歌である。ここでは「さ莚」という名詞と「寒し」という形容詞を掛けた。 最後は、新古今集の夏の歌に中に出て来る藤原忠良の「夕つく日さすや庵の柴の戸に寂しくもあるか蜩の声」という歌である。ここでは「さす」が『日が射す』の『射す』と『戸を閉す』の『閉す』という「動詞と動詞」の「掛詞」が用いられている。 今回は長月の歌を詠んで戴く。長月は晩秋となり、時雨が紅葉を染め、菊の華が咲き、田圃には稲が稔り、霜が降り、越冬の為に雁が北国からやって来る。そこで、歌題として「雁」「雲間初雁」「雲中聞雁」「時雨紅葉染」「紅葉深」「菊華薫」「籬菊色々」「菊香久」「秋田」「暮秋霜」がある。 「雁」を歌題に紀友則、歌の同門・田中タカ子氏、上田文氏と私の歌を例歌としてみた。 Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者 @小林和歌子A関弘子B山本綾子C宿谷政枝 @茜なす西方の雲眺むれは遥かに響く雁音の声 When I look up at/ the red clouds floating above the whole western sky,/ in the distance, the calls of wild geese can also be heard. by Wakako Kobayashi A入り日さす妙義の山は夕暮れて茜の雲に雁の消へゆく In the evening/ beyond the red clouds floating above Mt. Myogi, wild geese fly away into the light of the setting sun. by Hiroko Seki B秋更けて夕暮れの空見上くれは声交はしつゝ渡る雁音 High in the sky which/ I look upon this evening wild geese are calling/ to each other as they fly away this late autumn day. by Ayako Yamamoto C秋霧に路も迷はて来る雁の夕へ空に鳴き交はす声 When I look upward/ above in the evening sky, where the mist rises,/ geese which call to each other never seem to lose their way.<OK> by Masae Shukuya |
古典短歌講座(第1版) Classical Tanka composition in English (1) |
プラボットの異端児(短歌入門部屋)に戻る 当サイトはリンクフリーです、どうぞご自由に。 Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp) |