[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I) (6) Tanka in July (2000)平成12年(7/2-7/30) “An evening shower” Following the theory of Reizei, or Shinkokin, style, previously I have shown several techniques for tanka composition. This time, I would like to introduce you to another way, to give your readers a comfortable rhythm and sense of music after they read your tanka. It is a technique called “Kugire”: to compose tanka by dividing the tanka between lines. This technique comes in two variants. One is a way called ‘Niku-gire’or ‘Yonku-gire’: to divide between ‘second and third line’ or ‘fourth and last line,’ which was often used in tanka among the anthology, Manyo-shu. It makes tanka solemn and serious. Furthermore, it gives a five-seven rhythm when it is recited. The other is a way called ‘Shoku-gire’ or ‘Sanku-gire’: to divide between ‘first and second line’or ‘third and fourth line,’ which was often used in tanka among such anthologies as were published after Kokin-shu. It makes tanka nimble, flowing and elegant. Furthermore, it gives tanka a seven-five rhythm when it is recited. Here I will show you two tanka composed using this technique. One is by Masafusa Oe(1041-1111) which is printed in tanka collection, “Hyakunin-Isshu”or ‘100 tanka composed by 100 poets.’ The other is by Ietaka Fujiwara(1158-1237), which is printed in the anthology, Shikokin-shu. All model tanka this month are also composed using this technique. As cherry blossoms/ begin to come to full bloom upon the peaks of/ high mountains in the distance, I hope the mists never rise. by Masafusa Oe(073) On the Yoshino/ riverbank, yellow roses begin to flower --/ on the peaks, cherry bloosms must have finished falling now. by Ietaka Fujiwara In Minazuki[June](7/2-7/30), one of the most suitable themes on which to compose tanka is “Yudachi”(Evening showers): It becomes the hottest during this month. We should not express our complaints of bitterness or pains but do our occasional experiments in each season when we compose tanka so that a shower itself brings us coolness both in mind and body even in hot summer. Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Monk Jakuren(?-1202), Yoshitsune Fujiwara(1169-1206), a fellow pupil, Fusae Katsuoka and myself on the theme, “An evening shower”. 谷川の流れを見ても知られけり雲こす嶺の夕立の空 Showing quite clearly/ in the flowing waters of the mountain torrent/ after the evening shower a peak rising from the clouds. by Monk Jyakuren 入日さす外山の雲は晴れにけり嵐に優る夕立の空 The cloud at the foot/ of the mountain is now clear shining in sunset/ skies after evening showers brighter than after the storms. by Yoshitsune Fujiwara 風早みこなたは晴れて遠の峰鳴神聞こゆ夕立の雲 As the wind blows strong/ this flank has become quite clear. In the distant peaks/ I can hear the thunder roll in the evening shower clouds. by Fusae Katsuoka |
蜩の声も涼しき夕へかな晴れるも早き夕立の後 Autumn cicadas/ their voices sounding so cool early this evening./ It has brightened up quickly after the evening shower. by Mutsuo Shukuya 第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I] 第6節:水無月の歌「夕立」(ゆうだち)「句切れ」 今回は歌の韻律に関わる「句切れ」という修辞法を紹介する。「句切れ」には「五七調」と「七五調」の韻律を作る二種類がある。「五七調」の韻律を作る句切れには「二句切れ」と「四句切れ」で万葉集の歌に多くみられ、荘重で重厚な感じを歌に与えるものである。一方、「七五調」の韻律を作る句切れには「初句切れ」と「三句切れ」があり、古今集以降の歌の主流となる。これは歌の韻律に軽快で流麗な感じを与えるものである。 それでは、「七五調」の韻律を作る「句切れ」のうち、今回は「三句切れ」の歌を紹介する。先ず、今月の歌題「夕立」の例歌として紹介した四首はいずれも「三句切れ」の歌である。 次に大江匡房と藤原家隆の歌を紹介する。073大江匡房の歌は百人一首の中に収録されているもので、「高い山の峰の櫻が咲いたことだよ。人里近い山の霞よ、どうかたちこめないで欲しい」という意味で、 073『高砂の尾上の櫻咲きにけり外山の霞たたずもあらなむ』 という歌である。藤原家隆の歌は新古今集の春の歌で「吉野川の岸に山吹の花が咲いたよ。(これで見ると今頃は)峰の櫻は散ってしまっているだろう。」いう意味の歌で、 『吉野川岸の山吹咲きにけり峰の櫻は散りはてぬらむ』 という歌である。 今回は水無月の歌を詠んで戴く。水無月といえば、まず暑さが極まって大暑を迎える月である。この暑さに清涼感を与えるのが「夕立」である。歌は季節の折々を詠み込むものであるが、苦しさや辛さを嘆くものではない。その意味で暑さの中でも清々しい清涼感を詠む歌題に「夕立」がある。また、「夕立晴」「遠夕立」「夜稲妻」と限定した歌題でも詠んで戴きたいと思う。 他に「夏月涼」「雲間名月」「杜泉」「夏夕」「夕納涼」「夏浜夕」がある。 今回は「夕立」を歌題に、寂連法師、藤原良経、歌の同門の勝岡房江氏と私の歌を例歌としてみた。 Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者 @小林和歌子A関弘子B桜間恵子C岩崎慶子 @遠の峯雲一つなく晴れ渡り涼風通ふ夕立の後 The distant peak now/ becoming clearer again stands without a cloud:/ and a cool breeze starts blowing after the sudden shower. by Wakako Kobayashi A端居して憩ふ夕へに久方の暗き雲より翔る稲妻 Fleeing from the heat,/ taking a rest at evening. After long absence,/ dark clouds appear, where flashes of lightening begin to play. by Hiroko Seki B見上くれは八入に染まる西の空蝉の鳴き初む夕立の後 When I raise my eyes,/ the western sky is dyed in a deeper colour:/ and cicadas start singing after a sudden shower. by Keiko Ssakurama C夏の日の日差しかけろふ道の辺に涼しく曇る夕立の空 The heat from the rays/ of the summer sun shimmers all along the road./ The sky, growing cloudy, now cools with a sudden shower. by Keiko Iwasaki |
古典短歌講座(第1版) Classical Tanka composition in English (1) |
プラボットの異端児(短歌入門部屋)に戻る 当サイトはリンクフリーです、どうぞご自由に。 Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp) |