Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I]
[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I)
(5) Tanka in June (2000)平成12年(6/2-7/1)
“The fireflies”

[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I)
(5) Tanka in June (2000)平成12年(6/2-7/1)
“The fireflies”

 As the theory of Reizei, or Shinkokin, style through which they have composed tanka that cherishes the gorgeous and quiet ligering spiritual aftertaste of its world, previously I have shown the technique for tanka composition called “Honkadori”, “Taigendome” and “Rentaidome”.
 This time, I would like to introduce you to another way to give your readers this spiritual aftertaste after they read your tanka. It is a technique called “Utamakura”: to compose tanka by quoting the same place names that old poets often used in their tanka on the same themes.
 Here, I will show you two tanka composed using this technique. One is by Yoshitsune Fujiwara(1169-1206) who composed it using a place name, “Ashiya” remembering the following tanka which Narihira Ariwara made at Ashiya in his story, “Ise” on the theme, “fireflies”.

Can those be stars in/ the night’s clear heavens, or else
riverbank fireflies?/ -- No, they are the fisherman’s
flares burning at my village. by Narihira Ariwara

The other is the following tanka which Kunaikyo(?-1203-?) composed by quoting a place name, “Mt. Hira” which is famous for winds blowing from its mountain.

 The wind blowing down/ from Mount Hira ravishes
cherry blossoms--/ even the wake of a boat,
rowing away, can be seen. by Kunaikyo

 In Satsuki[May](6/2-7/1), the most suitable themes on which to compose tanka are Hotaru(The fireflies).
 As the fireflies begin to fly around early in May, I hope you can compose on the theme, “The fireflies” first. An author, Sei-shonagon(?-1000-?) also mentions how we appreciate the fireflies’ elegance when they fly around in her essay, “Makura-no-Soshi”. So, you can compose tanka easier on the theme, “The fireflies around stream” and “The fireflies light in the water grasses”:
‘We can appreciate elegance of a summer night. The better, the more the moon grows full. Still more, when it becomes dark because many fireflies fly around or a few ones fly away lighting faintly.’
 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Yoshitsune Fujiwara, my mentor, Fumiko Reizei, a fellow pupil, Tsuneko Takeichi and myself on the theme, “The fireflies”.

The fishing fleet flares--/ flaming lights from olden times
shine faintly still in/ the village of Ashiya
where the fireflies are flitting. by Yoshitsune Fujiwara

Although these falling/ fireflies burn to consummate
their passions, they look/ so cool as we gaze on them
in the valley stream’s darkness. by Fumiko Reizei

Flurries of fireflies/ flickering in the grasses?
without meaning to,/ my long leeves prevented them
from fluttering further on. by Tsuneko Takeichi
The village where I/ was born, Oyamada, starts
growing darker now --/ on the rice leaves the fireflies
are flashing like diamonds. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I]


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

Late into the night,/ in the garden of our house
down in the vally,/ where sounds a murmuring stream,
fireflies are flitting around. by Masao Nakamura

In Usui, where/ the river waters are clear,
evening is falling/ over a little stream while
the fireflies are flickering. by Hiroko Seki

Even on dark nights/ when the moon is hidden, still
their lights are cast on/ the waters of the vale, where
fireflies are passing away. by Keiko Sakurama

On the water’s face,/ shooting stars appear to be
falling from the sky--/ radiant reflections from
the dances of the fireflies. by Ayako Yamamoto

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)