Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I] 「四季を詠む」
第1節:平成12年 睦月の歌「早春」(そうしゅん)
[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I)
(1) Tanka in January (2000)平成12年(2/5-3/5)
“Early spring”

[3] Themes for tanka composition(1) (Junior course I)
(1) Tanka in January (2000)平成12年(2/5-3/5)
“Early spring”

 In all of this year’s articles, I would like to discuss the themes on which one should compose tanka in order to express his/her heart in strict 31 syllable tanka form and I hope he/she can compose tanka referring to some examples which I show you: Teika Fujiwara(1162-1241), who was a talented poet and had taught tanka poetry to Sanetomo Minamoto(1192-1219), one of the generals in Kamakura period, explained the following about not having a tanka mentor in his book, “Eiga-taigai” or “Tanka theory for composing”: “It is not always necessary for us to have a tanka mentor to compose tanka but we must read and appreciate many good tanka. Who could not compose tanka, if they tried to do as old poets, who had written their feelings or ideas which struck their minds and hearts”
 Furthermore my mentor, Fumiko Reizei always says that the secret of composing good tanka is just that you describe objects as they are.
 From the mist of time, Japanese poets seem to have expressed the impressions they had in the beauties of every season in their tanka.
 It is best to use the lunar calendar when you try to compose tanka. For example, when you compose tanka about the full moon in the early spring, we can recognize that you did so on 15th of January.
 Under the lunar calendar, Mutsuki[January](2/5-3/5), Kisaragi[February](3/6-4/4), Yayoi[March](4/5-5/3) are all spring.
 In Mutsuki[January], the most suitable themes on which to compose tanka are Ume(plum blossom), Uguisu(bush warbler) and Kasumi(haze); “Early spring”, “Ume blossoms tell us spring has arrived”, “Bush warblers tell us spring has arrived”, “Haze in early spring”, “Ume blossoms along the road”, “Bush warblers which sing in the morning”, “Haze as the clothes of the goddess of spring”, “Bush warblers as friends of spring”, “Bush warblers sing in the haze”, “Spring breeze which melts the ices” in detail.
 Here, I will show you the following tanka, which are composed by Princess Shokushi(?-1201), my mentor, Fumiko Reizei, a fellow pupil, Michiko Reizei and myself on the theme, “Early spring”. Michiko Reizei composes her tanka using technique, “Kake-Kotoba.” This technique reminds readers of something that poets want to make them think about after they read the tanka. “Kake-Kotoba” stands for a word which holds two different meanings at once though it sounds the same when we read it. She uses one of four kinds of “Kake-Kotoba”, which has two meanings used as both noun & verb. “Tatsuta” is noun and “trail” is verb.
 I hope these tanka can also encourage people who have practiced to express their hearts in strict 31 syllable tanka form.

Deep in the mountains,/ it is hard to realize
that spring is coming,/ as melting snow starts to drip
rare drops on the pine tree gate. by Princess Shokushi

How quiet spring is!/ above the upper part of
The Kamo river/ the haze like a goddess’clothes
covering heartwarmingly. By Fumiko Reizei
How fascinating/ it is to see flowers, which
tell me spring comes to/ Mt. Tatsuta, covered with
the deep trailing morning mist! by Michiko Reizei

Today, it grows dark/ while I lay in the sunlight
unconsciously, so/ I find the moon rising up
In the sky where the haze hangs. by Mutsuo Shukuya

第三章(〜歌の主題 1〜)[初級講座I] 「四季を詠む
第1節:平成12年 睦月の歌「早春」(そうしゅん)


Plaza-Plaza Tanka Cornerプラザ歌壇入選者

Pussy willow trees--/ as I am holding the first
branch sprouting young buds/
that I snapped off, I cloud hear
the approaching footsteps of spring. by Hiroko Seki

The sea of Awa--/ branches of pine trees growing
on the rocky coast--/ new leaves sprouting at their tips
in the sea breeze of springtime. by Masao Nakamura

Around the meadows/ across which the river runs
and where the mist hangs/
I find the fresh green grass has
come out in this morning's breeze. by Masae Shukuya

Though the plum blossoms/ are in bloom in the garden
of my own cottage,/ I wake up to find the snow
falling calmly this morning. by Sachiko Ikeno

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)