Classical Tanka composition in English
Mutsuo Shukuya

第 1節 短歌の始まり
[I]What tanka is? (Primer course I)
(1) The beginning of tanka poetry

[I]What tanka is? (Primer course I)
(1) The beginning of tanka poetry

In order to explain the theme, “The beginning of tanka poetry,”first of all, I would like to discuss who began to compose it. It seems that an Emperor in the mist of time began to use tanka using the combination of five and seven syllabic characters, in order to present the messages, which he received from the god whenever he talked face to face, to his people.
The following tanka is tanka composed by “Amaterukami,”who is an ancestor of the Imperial House, and was first printed in the oldest legend of Japan,“Hotsuma,” written in 668 B.C.:

The sun and the moon,/ which bring up so tenderly
all beings on earth,/ are real father and mother
to every human being. - by Amaterukami

In this legend, there is another extremely skillful and excellent tanka poem, which was written by the poetess Wakahime to propose to her sweetheart, Omoikane-no-mikoto. She composed the poem to read the same even if you read it in reverse. This is called “Mawariuta”or ‘circling song’and a person who receives one is supposed to find it impossible to refuse her/his proposal:

Ki shi i ko so tsu ma wo mi ki wa ni ko to no (ne)
no to ko ni wa ki mi wo ma tsu so ko i shi ki
(As your lifelong wife/ I would like to be with you
if possible, so/ I will wait playing Koto
until you come to my room.)

While, people who listened to tanka composed by the Emperor seemed, in reply, to compose tanka in which they admired the beauty of nature and they convey their feelings about the seasons and their emotions in such short poems.
The majority of words in the Japanese language end in one of the five vowels; although rhyme is very simple to achieve, the result tends to be somewhat monotonous. For this reason the Japanese have developed a form of verse in which character count is employed rather than rhyme. We Japanese have tried to express various emotions and describe various scenes in the restricted poetic format of only 31 characters, set out in five lines of 57,57 and 7 characters.
The poet avoids limiting the meaning of a particular word or using precise expressions, and uses phrases which enable many different interpretations.
Not only Emperors and aristocrats but also farmers, fishermen and beggars have composed these poems. Although many of these were amateurs, professional poets were also in evidence.
The court also became the place for frequent competitions at which teams of poets vied in composing verse, and some excellent poems were often celebrated. The great Japanese literary work of the Nara period was the compilation of the Manyoshu, which contains about 4,500 poems. It was the first of the great Japanese collections of poems.
It is difficult to convey in roman script and in translation the visual and melodic appeal of Japanese poetry, but the following examples of tanka, the typical poets such as Kakinomoto Hitomaro(?-708), OtomonoYakamochi(718?-785), Empress Jito (645-702), Yamabeno Akahito(?-710-?) from the collection, Manyoshu, may help you to appreciate the sentiment of Japanese poets of this time.

In and around hill/ covered with the plum blossoms
where my cottage stands/ lovely singing of warblers
sounds as they tell me fortune. by Kakinomoto Hitomaro

Despite larks singing/ up in the sky without clouds
on some day in spring/ I am left behind alone
with my heart deeply burdened. by Otomono Yakamochi

Spring already gone/ and summer seems to have come
for summer costumes/ fluttering on Mt. Kagu
as it is done year by year. by Empress Jito

After the rain stops/ on the grass in my garden
sounds of the crickets/ make me unconsciously find
autumn has still deepened here. by Yamabeno Akahito

第 1節 短歌の始まり

 短歌を講義するに当って、まず短歌は何時からどのようにして詠まれるようになったのかをお話してみたい。すると短歌を詠む意味が明瞭になると思うからだ。それは日本の大昔の天子様が最初に始められたようだ。日本の天子様は拍手をもって神様をお招きし、そのお招きした神様をある形式に従って礼拝され、心を交わされた。そして、神様から受けた心を歌に託して、国民にお伝えされてこられたのが始まりであったようだ。その形式になった意義については第一章第 5節で述べるが、初めから5と7の文字の組合わせで歌を詠んだようだ。古記に記されている初めての歌は、天照大神と古事記で呼ばれている天照神(あまてるかみ)が詠んだ歌で、「地球の全ての創造物を育んで下さる太陽と月は正に、我々人類の父と母のような存在でいらっしゃる」という意味の『天か下柔して恵む日月こそ晴れて明るき民の父母なり(あまがしたやはしてめぐむひつきこそはれてあかるきたみのたらなり)』という歌である。「天地宇宙の働きのままに、自分達も父母として慈しみのなる政治を行って参りますよ」と国民に訴えかけている歌となっている。まさに歌は、この「うったえる」がなまって「うた」となったとも言われている。

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)