宿谷睦夫訳 加藤方寅著「新日本人論」 “New Japanology” by Dr. Michinobu Kato |
translator: Mutsuo Shukuya auditor: Bruce Wyman supervisor: Boye Lafayette De Mente |
(Y) Qualities of Speaking Japanese (each of them) (7) A small man acting arrogantly through borrowed authority ~ putting government above people ~ The weakness of Japanese people in not being independent from their society is a consequence of their not being good at thinking rationally or philosophically, resulting in animal-like behavior. Typical animal behavior includes the tendency to act weak and take a servile attitude before the strong or to become the strong and take an overbearing attitude before the weak. Putting government above people means to put a small man acting arrogantly through borrowed authority above a man yielding to the powerful. And action of putting government above people also accurately represents typical Japanese behavior, which is similar to that of animals. You can find Japanese people take a servile attitude before their bosses or take an overbearing one before their subordinates, when you watch them in organizations, such as companies and public offices. It is interesting to observe that animals have also such a tendency. I have a cat named Johnny in my house. Johnny is so weak that he will not run after a homeless cat, even when it comes into my garden. Thereupon my wife has to chase it with a broom whenever it steals into my garden. What do you think happens when my wife chases the stray cat? My weak cat, which hesitates on his own, usually also chases the homeless cat with my wife. Even my weak cat transforms itself into a strong one, acting arrogantly through borrowed authority. The pattern of Japanese behavior is just like my weak cat, Johnny. This corresponds well with the case of the North Korean abduction of several Japanese nationals. Not only statesmen and bureaucrats but also the police and the mass media, have held their tongue about this merciless crime, ignoring their duties for more than 20 years for fear of protest from the countries concerned. What do you think has happened then? Once the truth was disclosed, not only statesmen but also the mass media, have high-handedly revealed various things which may or may not be true about the weak, North Korea, through newspapers, TV and so on. Japanese people who are not independent from their society, not rational, and are emotional and collective in their behavior, like animals, seem to need mental training, like Bushido or the code of the samurai, in order to not take a servile attitude before the strong or not take an overbearing one before the weak. The leaders of Japan before World War II had trained their mentality and cultivated their moral character, making it possible for all Japanese to maintain their noble character. I hope that from now the Japanese will follow in the footsteps of these leaders, will cultivate their moral character again in order to get over their unavoidable weak points-dependent on those around them, irrational, emotional and collective in their behavior, like animals dependent upon their unique physiological brain mechanism as Dr. Tsunoda made clear through his research. |
第 6章 日本人の特性・各論 第 7節 虎の威を借る狐―官尊民卑― 日本人の自我の確立の弱さは、日本人が哲学とか理論とかいった抽象的なものに弱いことと同根ですが、こういう精神状況は人間の行動を動物的なものに向かわせるものです。動物のメカニズムとは、自分よりも強いものには弱く卑屈となり、自分よりも弱いものには強く居丈高になるというものです。ところで、「長い物には巻かれよ」という諺は「虎の威を借る狐」とは正反対の意味になるものです。この2つの諺を一つにしたのが「官尊民卑」という言葉です。「官尊民卑」は動物のメカニズムに近い日本人の行動様式を的確に表しております。日本人が会社や役所といったある組織体内でとる態度を観察していると、自分の上司には卑屈となり、自分の部下には居丈高になるという行動が顕著に見られます。 一方、動物にも同じような行動様式が見られます。私の家には飼猫のジョニーがいます。ジョニーは弱い猫で、自分の家の庭に野良猫が入って来ても、追い返すことも出来ずに尻込みをしております。そこで、よく家内は野良猫が庭に侵入して来るのを見かけると、箒を持って「こらー」と叫びながら野良猫を追いかけます。するとどうでしょう。いつもは尻込みをしていた我が家の弱猫ジョニーが家内と一緒になって、その野良猫を追いかけていくではありませんか。弱猫でも「虎の威を借る狐」に豹変するのです。日本人の行動様式は我が家の弱猫ジョニーとそっくりです。こんどの北朝鮮の拉致事件の対応に関しても、見事にその醜い特性を剥き出しに致しました。北朝鮮が拉致という無慈悲なことを平然と行っていても、外国からの抗議を恐れて政治家も官僚も警察もマスメデアも国民の安全などはそっちのけにして、20数年以上にも渡って口を噤んできたのです。ところがどうでしょうか。拉致事件の真相が判明したとたん、連日のように、弱者になった北朝鮮のあること無いことを政府も新聞もテレビも居丈高になって暴き立てているではありませんか。 自我の確立が弱く、非理論的・情緒的で動物集団的日本人であっても、強者に対して卑屈にもならず、弱者に対して居丈高にもならないようにするためには、精神を鍛錬する武士道のようなものが必要なのではないでしょうか。昔の指導的な日本人は精神を鍛錬し、徳性を高める努力を怠りませんでした。そのような高い徳性の人に指導された国民全体が世界の人から崇められるような高い品位を保っていました。 これからの日本人も、角田氏が指摘する日本人の脳の特殊な生理機能(言語脳で理論と感情に関わる情報を処理)からくる避け難い自我確立の脆弱性や非理論的・情緒的で動物集団的行動様式を克服するために、先人の偉業を見習い、再度精神を鍛錬し高い徳性を涵養して行きたいものであります。 |
宿谷睦夫訳 加藤方寅著「新日本人論」 “New Japanology” by Dr. Michinobu Kato |
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