宿谷睦夫訳 加藤方寅著「新日本人論」
“New Japanology”  by Dr. Michinobu Kato

translator: Mutsuo Shukuya
auditor: Bruce Wyman
supervisor: Boye Lafayette De Mente

(Ι) About opportunity to write this essay

I stayed in New Orleans, Louisiana in the southern United States in America for one year and half from the summer of 1962 to the spring of 1964 in order to study abroad at Tulane University as a post-doctoral fellow. This study abroad became very significant for my research activities, prompting me to study magnetochemistry, which became my lifelong career on returning from abroad.
My stay abroad was very significant indeed for another reason. I was able to encounter a different culture for the first time, and discovered that people, who speak Japanese have unique ideas compared to Europeans or Americans. A graduate student there with whom I had became very familiar behaved much more coldly toward me than I had expected when I asked him for a favor on some problems which I could not see clearly. That would not have happened in Japan.
Since I spoke to him in English, in which the emotional and cultural content is quite different from Japanese, he did not hear or take my question in the same context that would have been the case if we were speaking Japanese. I surmised that he must have refused to help me because of an automatic reflex, which I came to understood later.
I have been contemplating what makes people who speak Japanese think and behave differently from Americans and Europeans or Americans since returning from America in addition to my own scientific research. In this case the difference of each culture is often taken up as one of the factors of this problem but this only sweeps the problem under the rug of culture. So, it cannot clear up the essence of this problem.
Our unique Japanology, which I am going to discuss, is closely related to the following problems: why real democracy never takes root in Japan; why Japanese people try to treat materials ambiguously; why great philosophers or thinkers seldom come out of it; why the interest of each government ministry takes precedence over that of the whole nation; why such phenomena as school-confusion and bullying-which have become serious social problems in recent decades-are unique to Japan.
These fundamental problems are part of the national character of the Japanese, I have been deeply interested in because these are questions all scientists should ask and attempt to answer.
For many years this unique Japanology has been the main subject of intellectual exchanges between myself and my wife. This book is based on my memories of these discussions, and is meant to honor my wife’s memory.
第 1章 ことの起こり


宿谷睦夫訳 加藤方寅著「新日本人論」
“New Japanology”  by Dr. Michinobu Kato


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)