of a book, “UTSUSEMI” Tanka Poems composed in Classical Form
by James Kirkup

translator: Mutsuo Shukuya

of a book, “UTSUSEMI” Tanka Poems composed in Classical Form
by James Kirkup

All but two or three these tanka were written between late summer 1995 and the end of the year. So the seasons covered are mainly summer, autumn and winter, followed by just a handful of tanka about spring, taken from my earlier book of haiku, senryu and tanka, Blue Bamboo(Hub Editions, 1993, reprinted 1995).
I first started to try to write haiku and tanka in English on my first arrival in Japan in 1959. Some of these were printed in my first travel book, These Horned Island: A Journal of Japan(Macmillan, 1962) and in various collections of poems beginning with The Prodigal Son(OUP, 1959).
But it was not until the summer of 1995 that I first began to realize the importance of the tanka form in Japanese literature and history. I had just translated, in strict tanka form, Hyakunin Isshu(One Hundred Poems by One Hundred Poets), one of the most popular collections of abcient Japanese verse. I discovered the inherent musicality and subtle rhythm of the true tanka form when, with Makoto Tamaki, I began translating a collection of tanka* by a contemporary poet, Nakajima Hojo, whose mastery language, image and rhythm springs from a profoundly musical sense of words.
Nakajima’s tanka were introduced to me a fellow tanka poet who is also deeply interested in musical possibilities of tanka in song and recitation, Mutsuo Shukuya, whose constant help, advice and encouragement have been invaluable.
Another influence upon my new appreciation of the real art of tanka was a photographer, Yoshida Shunju, whose extraordinary photographs of landscapes in the Nara region, and particularly in the ancient site of Akino, were published in a fine book entitled Kagiroi no sato Akino(Shinchosha) sent to me by the editor of “Azami” haiku magazine, Ikkoku Santo. I wrote about forty tanka and haiku almost without stopping on the superb photographs of landscape and nature in this remarkable book. The tanka I composed are included at the end of this collection, and though they are but pale shadows of the originals, they give some idea of the almost supernatural beauty of Mr. Yoshida’s work.
I have not here attempted any modern or “experimental” forms of tanka. When the original ancient form is so perfect, why bother to improve it in some mistakenly “progressive” poetic sprit?

Zentsuji, New Year 1996 James Kirkup

Acknowledgements and grateful thanks to Colin Blundell, in whose Hub Editions UTSUSEMI first appeared in a limited edition, now out of print.
*Taniguku wa Utau(Meiso Shuppan, Tokyo,1995)

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1996年元旦、善通寺にて   ジェイムズ・カーカップ

Classical Tanka composition in English (1)


Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi(